That Tag Thingy (I'm sorry I'll update soon)

703 27 32

Tagged by emperorsnewclothes

rules (I feel like this will be worse than tumblr tags)

1: You must post all the rules

2: you need to tag thirteen people (like I have thirteen friends, who do you think I am)

3: each person has to say 13 things about themselves

4: you answer the thirteen things given to you then ask questions to the tagged people

5: can't say you don't do tags (wtf i can do what I want with me life, I just happen to be doing this)

6: tag backs are allowed back

7: be creative with the title (If you want to call that title creative then you do you)

8: put it in your book, not the comments


Okay 13 things about me (not that anyone cares, but here we go)

1) I have an unhealthy obsession with dallon weekes, like its bad 

2) I have taken spanish for three years and still can't speak the language

3) I will have owned my horse for 2 years on May 1

4) I end up watching buzzfeed for hours when I should be doing geometry

5) I tried to bass but ended up failing cause my hands are too small

6)  I love to sing but I'm really bad at it

7) Instead of doing work in Biology I write fanfiction in my notebook

8) My friend and I played tic-tac-toe while giving my horse a bath in the soap suds, I one 3-1

9) I don't want to be in a band, I just want to marry a band member, he/she/they don't have to be famous just play an instrument or sing and are able support my obsession with horses ;)

10) My parents are considering moving me to a private school because I'm not good with people

11) I never told my parents I stopped believing in religion

12) I'm running out of interesting things to say 

13) This is 308 word so far

*_*other questions and shit*_*

1) What's your favorite band?

The brobecks 100% I am dallon weekes trash #1 and you can fight me on that one

2) If life were a movie, would you be a protagonist, antagonist, or a side character?

I like to live by the 'don't be a side character in your own life' phrase so I would like to believe I would be the protagonist (when I'm bored I like to make my life a story and write myself into things)

3) Favorite song lyric?

This one's hard, but aside from "we all know you're qualified to fix a chair"(Johnny Boy//Twenty One Pilots) I really like " so tonight I'm calling all astronauts all the lonely people that the world forgot" (Astronaut//Simple Plan) and I'd rather not go into detail on why I like it

4) Pet Peeve

When people assume someone is straight or prefers the pronouns of their born gender **NEWS FLASH THERE ARE OTHER GENDERS AND SEXUALITIES*****


Brallon, Brallon, Brallon, Brallon and Brallon, but I'm a slut for joshler

6) Do you have a special song?

Astronaut by Simple Plan, again I'd rather not say why

7)Finish the sentence:

Due to recent events, Dallon Weekes, The Doctor, and Bobby Singer are no longer allowed in the library.

8)Who is your senpai?

Dan Howell, that bitch never answers my questions

9)Favorite Style of Potato

Anything except mashed

10) How many street cred do you have? 

Zero, absolutlee none, I have nothing to do with streets, streets hate me, I often trip and scrape my knee when walking done them. Those dirty bastards fight dirty.

11) Best corny joke?


i don't get it


12) Disney or dreamworks?


13) Have you ever wanted to disappear?

Yep :)

Okay I can't tag 13 people because I don't have that many friends so I'm sorry but rules are made to be broken





Now back to this bitch who had a lot to say about me, you doin it again hoe (jk love you (but you are doing it again))


and yea thats really all the friends I've got


1) If you could marry any band member (like you were the same age as them and stuff), Who would it be?

2) What band do you want to see in concert?

3) first person or third person?

4) small undiscovered bands or big mainstream bands?

5) funny movies or scary movies?

6) Be really popular or stick to the side lines?

7) Indoors w/ internet or outdoors w/o internet?

8) What made you want to have a wattpad account?

9) This isn't a question, but I think you should smile more because your smile is more grade A than Brendon Urie's ass and I'd rather see you smile for ten minutes than stare at Mr. Urie's for 20

10) Are you having a good day? I hope you are

11) Laptop or Desktop?

12) Lots of friends or a few close ones?

13) Do you hate Chloe? You should hate Chloe. Chloe is a rat.

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora