Welcome To My Life

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(a/n: sorry not sorry)

*Brendon POV*

This was the first time in awhile that I wished I could drive, I had yet to learn because there was never time. Plus, Ryan's apartment and the studio were quite close so I could just ride my skateboard. Driving was never necessary until now. All i could do was run crazily through the streets hoping he had stopped somewhere.

The only problem is I knew for a fact he wasn't at any of his regular spots, that left pretty much anywhere else. Hannah found me leaning against the brick wall of our apartment building. Neither of us could think of where Dallon would go, coffee shops on friday nights made him anxious with the dark lighting and loud noise and he was scared of the dark so that ruled out the park.

"Shit" I thought out loud as I looked past Hannah and out onto the street.

"What?" she asked, sounding concerned and curious.

"Dallon's afraid of the dark. He never drives in the dark under any circumstances." My voice was shaky.

Dallon never drove at night, I don't think this situation was any different, unless he was trying to get somewhere important. I couldn't bear it anymore, I felt so helpless, like there's nothing I could do. Dallon was out there and he was scared and it was all my fault.

"Hey, hey bren it's okay I'm sure he's okay. Dallon may not be in the most sane state right now, but he's smart and he won't do anything stupid." Hannah sunk to the ground next to me.

"It's all my fault." I mumbled not wanting to tell Dallon's sister what had happened for fear of her being mad at me to.

"Brendon, Dallon used to always run off when he didn't know what to do. When he was about 14 I remember having to meet him every day after school and walk him home so he wouldn't run off. We moved when he was 12 and I was 15, that was also when became kind of invisible. Our parents stopped caring about him cause he would never come home after school and he would never participate in any family activities." Her tone was somber, yet calm as she relived past events. "Dallon would always run off after school and go to this one park, he liked it cause it was peaceful and there were never any people there. He would walk almost an hour just to be alone. When he was alone nobody could judge him. Wait Brendon I know where Dallon is, but it's almost an hour drive from here." 

Hannah darted to her dark grey mustang and I quickly followed her. It was nice to have at least an idea of where we could look, but if it was an hour way what would we do if he wasn't there, or even worse. What if had been going there and something happened to him before we could get there. It's been about an hour since he slammed the door and he probably went straight there, so something could've happened.

He didn't bring his phone either, so I have no way to find him. If he had his phone I could turn the tracker on, I know stalker husband move, but if something had happened to him the tracker would've helped. All I could do was yell at Hannah to step on it and pray that he was okay. 

"Brendon he's going to be okay, like I said he's smart. He won't do anything stupid." She reassured me.

"That's not what afraid of." I sighed back.

I was on the verge of tears, the longer we drove the more anxious I got. I knew Dallon would always make a good decision, but I never knew if other people would. The road seemed like one out from a Dr. Suess drawing, it seemed never ending, like it twisted and turned for ever. I didn't bother with the radio, knowing that any song would just make me more anxious. It just left me alone in my brain with my memories.


"Hey have you guys seen Dallon?" I asked stepping onto the tour bus. 

We had just played a show and I showered in the venue. I was the last one out and my fiance was nowhere to be seen. It was well out of darkness and I was worried he had gone out and gotten lost, I didn't want him to be freaking out on a park bench somewhere.

"He went out to grab pizza." Spencer said casually.

"And you let him go alone?" I was frustrated, with both Dallon and my friends.

"Chill, the pizza place is just around the corner." Ryan didn't look up from his phone.

I made sure I slammed the door behind me when I left. Sure the pizza place was just around the corner, but so much could happen in the dark . Maybe I was just being paranoid , but I think my fears were justified after everything that had happened. I made my way down a dimly lit alleyway to a shady Pizza Hut. I could see Dallon through the window because he was a fucking giraffe and it was hard to miss him, his height helped when I lost him in a store though.

Dallon was grabbing the pizza as I walked in, his eyes lit up when he saw me, like he was glad he didn't have to walk back in the dark. He kissed my cheek and took my hand as we turned around and walked out. The dark still scared the fuck out of both of us.

"I'll always protect you." He whispered in my ear.


We were almost to the park that Hannah had mentioned when we came to a block in the road. There were three cars across the two lane road. One's front end was mashed in, the other was dented badly in the side, and the third...

Oh god no, this wasn't happening, it couldn't be,

The third car was upside down, nose in a ditch. 

I jumped out of the car and ran to the barcade made my police cars. A police officer caught me before I could go any farther.


What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Where stories live. Discover now