Chapter 5

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"No don't go in there he's going to kill you!!" I whispered covering my eyes with my blanket I uncovered them for a bit "Michael" (Halloween movie)  The killer stabbed the killer ran down the street with that creepy ass music I jumped in Dinah's arm "you okay babe?" I nodded still looking at the t.v  "ahh!!!" The girls yelled making me scream "no!!" I was hiding in Dinah's neck I looked at the door to see Michael Myers holy shit we're going to die! "D-Dinah.." She hummed in response "Michael is standing infront of the door.." She giggled "babe it's just a movie" I shook my head it started moving.. "l-Lauren.." She hummed to "Michael is at the door" she looked at the door "there's nothing" don't get scared don't get scared I got up the Michael isn't there anymore where did he go? "Arghhh!!" "GET HIM OFF ME!! I DONT WANT TO DIE!! HELP ME!!" They got off me Michael took his mask off zayn.." What did we tell you about watching scary movies" I looked at the girls with their phones "y-you knew this?" They all nodded still laughing I felt tears forming on my must be thinking why are you going to cry? It was just a prank well..I don't like pranks..since that day..and I don't like scary movies that much as you can see so yeah.. I walked to my bag picking it up "where you going ?" The girls asked I ignored them walking to the door " oh cmon it was just a fucking joke" Lauren said..I shook my head "y/n I though you were over it in sorry" zayn said "you know zayn..why I hate pranks like these..and you Lauren I never thought you would talk to me like that..have fun goodbye" I said shutting the door walking to Ariana's room

Camila's Pov*
"See what you guys did!? You made him leave!!" I yelled at them
If I'm honest I never knew this would happen it was funny at first until he started crying "Lauren why did you say that?" Ally said glaring at her "I-I don't know it was just a prank" "well thanks a lot Lauren and zayn he was cuddling with me!" Dinah said Pshh lucky I knew o should've won the bed spot "where do you think he went?" Ally asked "let me all Liam" he said putting it on speaker
Z-Liam where's y/n?
L-at the girls room why?
Z-we kinda well me and Lauren pulled a prank on him..
L-you what!!? I'm going over right and and with Louis!"
End of the call
Zayn gulped "what's wrong?" "Liam and Louis are very strict when it comes to y/n" next thing we know Louis and Liam are banging in the door ally opened it and they don't look happy "Malik here now" Louis said we all looked at zayn he walked slowly to them "did you record it let us see now" Lauren gave them her phone they saw the video they took a deep breath "if he gets sad again or depress I swear you all are going to be punished" Liam said glaring at all of us "nice experience for his first sleepover" Louis said slapping zayn's head Liam was talking in the phone with someone I wonder why they protect y/n so if he's their son maybe he is? Naaaah but how are we gonna date him if they scare him off like this? He's 16 I'm 19 Lauren's 19 Dinah's 18 ally's 22 Mani is 19 too the closest one to his age is Dinah "he's at Ariana's room" I quickly got up "that bitch!" "Language!" Liam and I said I mumbled a sorry "what is he doing with her?" Mani asked were all asking the same question "There BFF so yeah Ariana's his best friend but if you want his trust back you have to stick up for him that why he gained your trust that fast"
Louis came up to all of us "hurt him I'll hunt you all down like dears" and with that they left "holy shit we should be more careful "call dibs!" I said smiling "hey! We all date him remember?" Lauren said I laughed she thinks she's still gonna date him after she said that? Ha! In her wildest dreams (see what I did there?) "okay we better get to sleep..and think how are we going to fix this " ally said we all nodded saying goodnight he left his blanket it smells just like him not weird at all
Un known number
Hey sorry for leaving like that Camila -styles btw- night mila ttyl and sorry ❤️🚀
It's okay baby night ❤️
Ha! I have his number now!! to make him fall that's the real deal now..
Girls Pov(FH) *
He's going to fall for us he haves to

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