Chapter 43

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" tie him up!" "Shut up out going to wake him!!" The girls bought a house no one knows about a mansion to be exact "okay there he should be waking in a few " Dinah said "what are we gonna do? We've made a sin oh..!" Ally said walking up and down "nothing  tour is over long brake we stay here and cuddle and give him lots of love!" Camila said smiling "wha..where am..wha?" Y/n said grabbing his head "hi babe" Camila said smiling "g-get away from me! You kidnaped me!" Y/n said sitting up trying to run away but failed falling down Dinah got up and carried y/n back to bed "your are okay!" Lauren snapped slapping you hard making your nose bleed "y-you slapped me.." Lauren suddenly realized what she did feeling pain in her Chet as she saw how face " I'm sorry.." Lauren whispered walking close to you you walked backed "n-no" the girls pulled Lauren out of the room "way to go Lauren!!" Lauren took a deep breath "I'm sorry-" "my ass! He was just trying to run! You know he can't take dumb ass!!" Mani yelled suddenly they heard sobbing "let's just leave him alone a bit.."

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