Chapter 7

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Updating later and just imagine it's you and Ariana on the pic^^ Y/n Pov*
"All five of you!? Chingue sus tacos!!" Holy shit I haven't even had my first day yet and she wants me to date 5 of them!? I mean I don't mind at all and yeah I'm a loser I haven't had a date and I'm 16 problem? "Yeah so what do you say?" Okay keep your cool y/m you have styles even though that's part of your name but still!! "s-sure when?" Ok cool keep like this "today" I looked at Liam he knows my schedule "I'm sorry Dinah but he can't today" Liam said Dinah glared at him like the exorcist "and why is that Payne? Do you want a poly beat down?" Bloody hell that was hot - wait what? "I'm sorry and no I don't but today y/n haves to be with Ariana to release their new song-" "ohhh yeah I was forgetting that" "as I was saying their new song and their going to be answering questions" Dinah glared at him first "I promise we can have another sleepover just don't scare and that can be our date?" She thought for a moment but nodded "okay and.." Camila got up straddling me and Dinah for closer "Ariana better watch her back understood?" I nodded slowly are they mad or something? "Good! Have a nice day babe cmon chancho we have plans to do" Camila got up and ran away with Dinah "l-Liam help?" "It's okay nugget just keep cool and you better start getting ready you have to be at Iheart radio soon" (idk how music thugs work in America so just go with it) I nodded I got a notification on Twitter they just release another sneak peak of the video/song and another picture
Dinah's Pov*
Me and Camila walked in to our hotel room as we saw ally and Lauren yelling at each other "what's up?" I said sitting on bed looking for movies "you better watch this" Lauren said handing me her phone it's y/n and Ariana..a pic of the IKWYDLS.. (Pic above btw) "and?" "and? AND? Dinah it looks like their gonna kiss!!" I looked at it again holy hit its true Ariana's face is like leaning in and y/n to oh shit "it's just a video should be out in a few hours let's just wait okay?" Camila said we all nodded

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