Chapter 35

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"Cmon y/n..think about it..they've been playing with you all this time.." Barbara whispered in y/n's ear rubbing your back "I-I don't know Barbara this is hard..." Barbara kissed y/n's neck "you can't be the same bro" Cara said sitting on the couch "c-Cara but.." "I can believe I'm saying this but I'm with Barbara" Cara said looking at the younger girl y/n took a deep breath whipping his tears "cmon y/ have to do this to show them not to play with you and have Dinah Camila and I.." Cara said giving you a sad smile "okay ill do it.." Barbara and Cara squealed "show time people" Barbara said "time to show them how badass you can be" Cara said smirking

Styles and Harmony Fh/youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora