Chapter 39

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Sorry for not updating yesterday I was working a lot but here enjoy!
Y/n gave the girls another chance of course behind Barbara's back because if she knew of course rho dude would like kill them so fifth harmony and y/n are lovers but the thing is..did the girls get back with their boyfriends behind y/n's back??
Right now y/n is getting ready for another interview with Chelsea Briggs 

"Hi! I'm Chelsea Briggs and here I am again with the only on Y/n Styles!" Y/n smiled at the camera "hello!" Chelsea smiled 'nothing got to him thank god' she thought "so y/n tell us..what's it like being on tour with your ex'es and ex band members..? Will there be a 1D reunion? " y/n thought it for a moment "it's okay I guess... Nothing special and I really don't know honestly if the boys want to then it's okay with me" y/n smiled at the camera "so do tell..who is this Barbara..?" Y/n quickly pulled on his sleeved shirt he begged the girls to let him wear it for the interview "she's..can I have a moment??.." He got up quickly running to Cara and Barbara "WHAT DO I SAY!?" "That your mine" Barbara said shrugging "y/n she's right her dad can end 6 People in 5 seconds" Cara said giving him a small smile y/n nodded slowly walking back "sorry had to talk something with my manager" he say back down "so..who is Barbara?" "Her name is Barbara Stallone I think you all know her am I right? " Chelsea nodded "well I do I don't know about them" she pointed at the camera laughing "well she's my girlfriend" Chelsea sat up "WHAT" her jaw dropped "s-she's i-uh my girlfriend " "dude she's 14" y/n nodded giving her a sad smile "maybe you'll know the rest d the story later I promise " he gave Chelsea the look she nodded "okay what about our long ship!? Y/S/N/W/T/G?@ (ship name with the girls) "I- were just friends "  Chelsea nodded "well our lovely y/n isn't available anymore is their a story behind it I'm gonna find out" Chelsea turned to face y/n "SAY IT!!" (It's live interview btw) "I-NO!" Chelsea ran to y/n, y/n ran out to the dressing g room "Come back here!!"
There was techno problems please stand bye

The girls shocked as they watched the interview "Chelsea is gonna get all the shit out of him if she gets him"

Dinah's Word came out true..she did get all the details..

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