Chapter 56

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Y/n smiled as he hugged his mother rock thingy "mum I'm getting married! With the five girls I told you back then! " y/n smiled as he imagined his mother talking back to him "I know right! And I'm wearing a tuxedo! Just like you wanted and the wedding Is going to be where you and dad got married! In Milan!" Y/n smiled mean while the people there looked at him weirdly but there was a man, a man standing with a rose in his hand he stopped walking when he saw y/n smiling and talking to the rock or dead corpse under him "so yeah mum! I hope you can make it.." Then it hit him again she's dead.."I love you.." He got up quietly looking down until he felt a pair of eyes on him he turned around seeing the man he recognized at first sight "good morning sir'" y/n walked faster...

"Wait wait are you serious? They did that!?" Niall said looking at one of the man whores who nodded "yeah saw them yesterday at a hotel" he shrugged "and there still going to marry our boy!?" Zayn yelled "they do love him the only thing he can't do is please them all at once" man whore 2 said Lou shook his head "this is unbelievable.." Liam shot up smirking "do you have proof of this??" Man whore 3 nodded "of course we have their audio talking to us" Liam nodded "we will be needing them tomorrow.." Zayn  smiled "tomorrow is July 17t lets get going boys" Niall giggled as he fist bumped Louis "let's open his eyes"

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