Chapter 11

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Louis Pov*
"Why do they hate me.?"
Y/n said after running away..I feel anger running threw my veins..the Gia still Hugging them..except Normani she started crying..Normani looks like she doesn't have a boyfriend after all *slap* "you broke him you sluts!" Ariana said slapping all of them again except for Normani "why'd you do that? Camila, Lauren, Dinah, ally?" Demi said wiping her tears "we don't know.." They said above a whisper.."you don't know? YOU DONT KNOW!? You fucking broke him!! Bloody hell we did to but you all of you were the worst!!" I said walking up to them I can't take it anymore they broke my baby! "Lou calm down-" "bullshit Liam!! He's only 16 he's gone threw much!!" Hands grabbed my waist zayn.. "Yeah like what? Getting hate by weird people?" Brad said laughing "he's just a stupid kid" I looked at Lauren she kept looking down I felt zayn's arms let go he ran to Brad but big rob stopped him "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT!!" He said kicking "you hurt y/n?" I think Dinah's sister said an Camila's the girls nodded slowly the little girls ran to their sisters and kicked them "SOPHIE REGINA!!" They groaned "guys..we forgot something.." We all looked at Demi and even the boys "y/n blade.." Our eyes widen as we ran to the door even the FH girls were running "don't you dare to fucking move all of you caused this!" Niall said turning around and kept running
Running and looking he isn't anywhere..
Not even Ariana..

Lauren's Pov*
We stood there in one dared to talk "Lauren mija..what did you all do..?" Our parents looked at us waiting for an explanation "we-" "they cheated on us with a dumb sixteen year old without him knowing" Brad said smiling he's enjoying this I know.."hoii Lauren shut him up! " I just looked down I don't know anymore we love him and we broke him..
One week later..(cause why not?)
Liam's Pov*
Week..he hasn't talked to us..every time we go on stage he gets hate..even a few days ago a fan jumped on stage and punched y/n..he's not eating not smiling not talking..the hate is's so out of control..every where we go..mean comets towards's so out of control that Simon is here and this isn't good at all.. He's talking in a dressing room right now...and we for the Fh girls..? Their still with those bloody bastards , they don't even dare to look at us no one is talking to them, the news that they were dating is still all over the news and the hate is real out of control.. We're in the catering Fh, Demi Ariana and me and the boys are eating in silence until the door from the dressing room opened..a sobbing y/n came out Simon ripping a paper it looks like a contact I'm not very sure y/n ran out again Ariana running after him..he only talks to her..Simon came smiling siting with all of us.. (Even us are getting hate because of this) "well! I have good new and bad news" he said smiling looking at all of us we nodded looking at him "all of you hate ends today!" He kept nodding "that's the good news the bad news is for 1D" he said looking at us even Fh looked curious we all are "and that is?" Zayn said "you'll find out later tonight"

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