Chapter 59

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"What.." Y/n looked around the room everything was blurry it's been 4 weeks now to much if I say myself, "oh your awake!" The nurse said happily checking y/n's eyes "um..yes..what am I doing here..?" The nurse gave him a sad smile "you got shot" y/n nodded slowly  "you don't remember?" Y/n shook his head she got up walking to him "what's your name?" She asked what's my name..? "I-I don't know.." She ran out quickly y/n stood their..thinking why did he get shot why couldn't he remember  "hey!" Liam and the boys said walking in "hi?" Y/n kept looking at them who are they..? Why are they here? "So buddy how you feeling?" Zayn asked smiling then rolled his eyes as he saw the girls walking in "OMG YOUR AWAKE" they all ran to y/n and hug him y/n didn't hug back "what's wrong?" Lauren cupped his cheek "who are you?" 'W-what do you mean?" Y/n giggled "where's the cameras? Am I being pranked or something?" Y/n said smiling the nurse and doctor came in the girls got off y/n "how old are you?" "I'm 15sir" the doctor wrote it down "what's your name?" He didn't answer "I don't know? y-..something I can't remember " he looked down at his fingers  "y/n" Niall whispered "Y/n!!" He yelled no response "SHIT Y/n!!" "WHO THE HELL IS Y/n!?" They all looked surprised "babe remember..we were about to get married "ally said "with who..?but I'm only 15 how could I get married?" Camila walked up to y/n "with us five and your 18 " y/n laughed "I'm 15 what are you guys talking about?" Ariana walked in crashing y/n into a hug "oh lord your okay" the girls rolled their eyes "holy shit Ariana grande is hugging me!!" Y/n smiled mean while Ariana smirked turning to face the girls smirking.. She's up to something' every one thought

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