Chapter 33

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Y/n was out side the venue it was their last day next was the break Christmas break  y/n was anxious about this break he wanted to go visit his mother..well of course I never told you the story did I?? Well..
Y/n at a very young age he was once happy..he would smile all the time laugh etc..until one day y/n had a soccer game his mum said she would go pick him up because she couldn't make the game so he understood and waited..and waited..and waited until his dad parked outside his school dragging him in the car "where's mummy?" Y/n asked his dad just glared at him he just shook his head y/n waited and waited until they stopped at the hospital his dad quickly ran inside forgetting about the young boy so he just followed he walked threw some rooms..until he saw his mom laying on a bed he quickly ran to her tears running down his face "mom!! Mummy!" His mom opened his eyes slowly looking at you smiling a bit "y/n..promise me you'll be g-good okay..? You'll b-be a g-good boy and don't cause trouble?" Y/n nodded sobbing grabbing his mothers hand interlocking their fingers he already knew what was going to happen "mom d-don't leave me" his mom only looked at him "I love you promise me that"  he nodded "I promise mommy I will..I love you" his mom smiled pecking his forehead for one last time..until the monitor beeped..nurses everywhere...
Since that day y/n struggles with his life his dad said it was his fault etc..
Mean while y/n hold on tight to the necklace that had a Picture of his mom..he hold it tight hugging it starting to cry at the gates filming this moment as there eyes were tearing up to as y/n looked up singing now "ITS ALRIGHT CALLING OUT FOR SOMEBODY TO HOLD TONIGHT WHEN YOUR LOST ILL FIND THE WAY ILL BE YOUR LIGHT" he fell again "YOULL NEVER FEEL LIKE YOUR ALONE..ILL MAKE THIS FEEL LIKE HOME..." Fans sobbing at this point as y/n sang a song from when he was in 1D.
Lauren, Ally and Normani watching him from the distance feeling guilt for leaving him alone.. "We should go hug him.." Ally said looking down "yeah we should.." Mani said "we should steal that necklace and see what's in it.." Lauren whispered "that's not a bad idea..but how?" Mani asked.. They looked at Lauren "Mila and DJ" she said smiling "let's go! We have a mission to do!" Ally said smiling
This is not going to end well.. Mani thought to her self

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