Chapter 19

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Louis Pov*
We were all laughing sitting down we've become best friends with the girls and there amazing "and give it up for Ariana grande! I know what you did last summer!" Zayn laughed making us look at him "huh it's a duo she's get embarrassed" ahh...I wonder where y/n I've forgot about him..Simon gave us his address 7 months ago and we never stopped by to check on him.. The crocus started screaming as y/n part came I looked up "oh my god.." He's here!! "HE'S HERE!!! Loo-" I stopped as soon as I saw his face..bruises everywhere cuts on his eyes brows..his arms..they have cuts "he was the one I bumped into earlier.." Zayn said "what do you mean? You knew he was here!?" Lauren said getting up she looks pissed "k-kinda I mean I thought it was him but I'm like nah he's been disappeared for a year and I kinda told him.. A bad word so yeah.." He looked down okay Lou control control your self "we gotta go back stage right now" ally said we nodded and ran to backstage we stopped at the door "you did good babe you did good" a girl said as she hugged y/n he got a girlfriend? He's so in trouble Ariana came and said something's but I didn't listen I looked at the boys and girls we nodded as we walked in "y/n.." We said weird at the same time he froze "c-Cara lets go..Ariana I'll talk to you later" she nodded kissing his cheek again "no y/n please!" "Please what!? You four! Ignored me! Never helped me! Since the hate started! You gave a shit! And you five..I i-just..sorry.." "Please!" He took Cara's hand bit big rob stopped him "y/n?" He turned around smiling running to him giving him a koala hug oh so he loves big rob now huh "ROB!! I MISSED YOU!!" He started sobbing "yeah missed you to little one" Camila cleared her throat "rob why do you miss him?" Harsh? To much y/n got off him looking at Camila "you see Karla" ohhhh this is serious "big rob here visited me when I was..I was unstable with Cara's help they made me control my self but I do fall sometimes again" he said looking in space I think he's having a flash back "just let us talk please" I said walking closer "no Louis" he didn't say Lou "why? You forgot all we did for you? HUH! YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Zayn said stepping closer "no Zayn! I'm the little brat!? Then okay! I'm a brat that hasn't slept in 2 weeks! That gets bullied because of something I never did! Or knew!! A brat that almost killed him self fuck you!" He was sobbing I slapped zayn's head gosh this idiot "y/n language!" Ally and Liam said he shook his head "sorry.." I smiled he's still in there somewhere deep inside "y/n please let them just talk babe" he looked at I assume is Cara she nodded taking his hand "okay.." Normani clapped her hands! " now please can I get a hug!?" He nodded hugging her..why are we so stupid! We lost our baby.. "What do you want to talk about " now that I notice his voice is deeper "okay..can..we stay friends please just like we used to..?" Dinah said he laughed quietly "I don't k-know" "please y/n give us a chance we'll be like we used to-" "no, alright listen carefully I don't trust easily anymore so when I tell you I trust you don't make me regret it..and" he laughed again "and a year changes you a lot.."
Deep as always..but he wasn't  joking..
Y/n Pov*
I'm not falling anymore nope I'm not the same stupid kid I was a year ago I took a deep breath there eyes are tearing up "y/n can I talk to you?" Scooter said walking in I nodded I took Cara's hand taking her with me "so.?" He smiled "I would like to join our record label" I looked at Cara she smiled at me and nodded "can Cara be my manager?" "Yeah for sure man" "then okay I will" he smiled "welcome to Island records"
I'll make them regret everything

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