Chapter 51

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Hey! Do you guys read in Spanish? Or idk but if you do go check out my friends account she's new! Help her out? Girl-nigth  follow her if u can enjoy!

"Is wittle grande nervous? I can kick Biebers ass if you want!" Y/n said getting in Jackie chan mode Ariana giggled at his cuteness "no dummy! It's okay I'm just nervous..nothing big." Y/n spread Ariana's legs open (in a good way ya pervs) sitting on the grass resting his head in the middle Ariana blushed "I what if it hurts?" Y/n looked up "you'll get used to it ari it won't hurt that much " y/n smiled 'why can't it be you?'  Y/n heard her but he stood quiet "do you love Justin?" Ariana tensed up "so you don't.." Y/n confirmed Ariana kept quiet "I don't..I love someone else.." She kept looking at the boy between her legs "who is it?!" Y/n asked exited "when will I be able to meet him!?" Y/n asked again like a kid Ariana didn't answered then it hit y/n it's him he quickly got up looking at Ariana she kept looking down "Get up" Ariana looked at y/n Confused "wh-" "up now!" She got up quickly only to be pulled into a hug that caught her off guard
Ariana's Pov*
He's hugging me.. I quickly hugged back "in sorry.." He whispered "for not being able to love you back Ariana..I hope you can move on" I hugged him tighter the truth hurts so damn much.."can you do something for me..?" Y/n nodded "please kiss me.." Y/n pulled away and his phone out
End of pov*
The girls (TG) You-y
TG- what's wrong babe?"
Y- can I kiss Ariana..? She still loves me and before moving on she wants that
TG-Dinah don't let things get wild!
D- I'm watching down worry gurls
Y- okay loves! See you in a bit!
End of call
"Okay Ariana..wish granted" Ariana's head shot up "are you serious!?" Y/n nodded  Ariana squealed jumping up and down  wrapping her arms around y/n's neck he took a deep breath "let's do this" Ariana focused her eyes on y/n's lips leaning in until their lips touched 'I can't believe this' she thought as she kissed those lips she wanted for so long y/n kissed back but didn't close his eyes mean while the girls were watching from a far glaring at Ariana "we need to get rid of her" Mani said glaring

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