Chapter 14

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(Idk how news work in merica'so here goes nothing)
"Shocking news! Did the fans go to far? Did they cross the line!? Well it looks like after what happen a week ago at One Directions Concert, if you don't know this yet listen to Chelsea Briggs"
"Well as you all know looks like y/n was dating the 5 girls from fifth harmony! Shocker I know the worst part is the boyfriends of the girls says that y/n seduced them and had threatened them no one knows, on his last concert he said: I hope your all happy you made this happen" since that day until yesterday one direction: Liam, Zayn, Niall and Louis performed but they weren't doing anything just singing they weren't fooling around, can this affect the boys? Say it with me WTF (lmao)"
"In a matter of fact it can Chelsea  it can people say he was like their kid since he was 17 when everything started what will happen with the 1D boys?"
You can tell I'm bored

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