Chapter 50

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Think your going to get married?
"Do you Ariana grande take Justin Bieber as your husband?" Ariana nodded smiling she turned around smiling at y/n I got to move on' she thought Ariana still loved y/n with all her heart but..she had to move on y/n notice Ariana's zoning out the ceremony ended and they were at the party the girls never let y/n get out of their sight but he explained why he had to go they agreed but Dinah would be watching them y/n smiled at the girls "now babe keep your bracelet with you okay? That's how we can find you if you take to long okay?" Ally said cupping y/n's cheek y/n nodded Cutely "and Dinah is going to be around okay?" He nodded again pecking ally's cheek he go up and walked to the married couple Ariana was siting down her face screamed 'I'm not in this world' y/n walked closer turning around seeing Dinah he smiled sitting next to Ariana "so you promised me I would be the best man you liar" Ariana snapped out of it jumping  her face lit up
*in Ariana's imagination when y/n wasn't sitting there*
"Babe we're finally married!" Y/n said pecking Ariana's lips "yeah! Omg I can't believe it!" Ariana kept imagining Justin has y/n all the time
"Y-yeah well I'm just so happy" Ariana faked smiled y/n looked at her weird "cmon I know your sad or something " y/n got up handing his hand for her to take it Ariana smiled taking y/n's hand interlocking their finger y/n walked where they could talk without people bugging but he knew Dinah was watching "what's up with you tonight?" Y/n sat down on a bench Ariana did the same "I just-just I don't know.."
Tomorrow I'll be finishing writing this my head hurts sorry :/

Styles and Harmony Fh/youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz