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We walked toward the bras first. Marisa was looking at the miraculous bra's & I was looking at the clothing. (Sweats, shirts, PJ's etc..) She came over with 3 bra & thong sets. "I don't need ALL that. How bout I get a set & you get a set?" She looked at me and said "With what money? I'm broke. You know that..." She trailed off kinda embarrassed. I looked at her and told her I'd pay. She refused at first but I convinced her. "I gotchu girly. Get what you want/need" she looked at me weirdly but went with it.

After looking around and grabbing stuff for about 2½ hours, we FINALLY decided that we were done. We put all our stuff on the counter. The cashier lady turned around to see the mountain of items. "Woah! Find everything you need?" I laughed a little & shook my head. "Yes, there were some AMAZING deals today."

She nodded in agreement & finished ringing up out clothing items. "Okay... That'll be $675.98" Marissa's head whipped around. "Uh-umm. I'd like to take my stuff off.." "Why?" I questioned her "Cause, That's money I don't have to pay back.." I laughed a little. I told the cashier everything was fine & gave her my card. I turned to Marissa and said "Its my stuff too.. Think of it was an early Christmas present." Her & I laughed a little. The cashier handed me my card & the bags. We left toward to parking lot to go home.

-Skip car ride-

When we got home I brought my suitcases into the living room & then all my clothes, shoes, make up & hair stuff out. I packed all my new stuff after taking off all the tags. Marissa put music on & helped me pack. We packed all my jeans, shorts, & leggings in one suitcase. My shirts, tank tops, sweat shirts, PJ's & athletic clothing in a second one. I put all my shoes in a duffle bag & my makeup & hair products/ heat tools in a medium sized carrier.

After about 2½ hours of packing & figuring out where everything is going, I put my bags by the door. I then walked to my room to shower & get ready for my early morning.

** 42 Minutes Later **

I get out of the shower & put on a pair of dark blue Nike Spanx & a tank top that reads 'Queen B' on it. I walked to Marissa's room & sat on her bed, she looked up from her phone & smiled at me. "Excited for tomorrow?" She asked "More like nervous as hell!" I laughed. "Why?? Everyone loves you. You'll do great!" I gave her the 'I hope' look & looked at the ground. "Once I get settled & figure out who everyone is.. I'll ask about if you can come visit." I looked at Marissa. "Girl, you know Jersey won't be able to handle BOTH of us." She said laughing. I giggled in agreement. "Ima go to bed. I'll be gone before you wake up so... I'll text you when I get to the airport & call you when I land, before I give my phone to the producers." I stated giving my roomate a hug & going to bed. She hugged back & said "goodnight".

I got into bed & looked at the ceiling... "Jersey Shore here I come." I said to myself before difting into a deep sleep.

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