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The day went by pretty slow. I was upstairs looking through my suitcases trying to find a cute outfit for tonight. I wanted to look cute & catch Pauly's attention. "DEEEENA!!!" I yelled. She came running upstairs. "What happen?!" She asked panicked. "Nothing, I need your help-" laughing at her facial expression "I don't know what to wear." "Lemme see what you have." she said looking through my suit case.

Deena - "Okay.. Well I think either the white dress or the black shorts outfit."

Me - "Okay.. Which one will impress Pauly?"

Deena's head whipped in my direction.

Deena - "WHAT?!"

Me - "Yeah.." I said blushing

Deena - "Omg! Aww!! Okay for the black shorts outfit for sure."

Me - "Okay. Thank you Deena." I said hugging her

I put my outfit on my bed & walked down stairs with Deena trailing behind me. "What was all that screaming about?" Sammi asked. I blushed & looked at Deena "Nothing." We said in unison. "What time are we leaving? So I know what time I need to start getting ready." I asked "Well.. Its 5:45 now & We don't usually get to the clue until 10pm. And it takes the Taxi 15-20mins." Mike said. "So.. Depends on how long you take to get ready. You can start now, or in an hour with the girls" Vinny said. I nodded my head, "Well, Ima go take a shower now." I said running up the stairs.


"Boy when I get you to the crib (take you to the crib) Upstairs to the bed (upstairs to the bed) Boy you gonna think [x4] Boy when I pull back them sheets & I climb on top of you, Boy you gonna think. [x4] You gonna think I invented sex. [x3]."
I sang in the shower cautiously dancing so I wouldn't slip.

I was excited for tonight. Tonight was going to be the night I made a move. I would've made one already but I've been a little scared, but tonight is gonna be about letting lose & having fun. My thoughts were interrupted when I got soap in my eye. Crap. I forgot to wash my hair out. I rinsed my hair, shaved my legs and EVERYTHING else & got out. When I got out, I wrapped my body in my towel and went to my room. Pauly was in there talking to Deena. "Hey" I said walking in. Pauly turned around and smiled. "Hey." He replied. Before I walked in him & Deena were talking about the club tonight. But I didn't know what they were saying exactly. "I. Uhmm, kinda have to get dressed.." I said looking at Pauly. "Oh! Right. Sorry about that" he said getting up to leave. Deena laughed and Pauly walked out. I put on my bra & thong on so I could drop my towel. I walked over to my suitcase to get lotion. I sat on my bed putting it on my legs, arms, and stomach. "You have a belly piercing?!" Deena asked. I looked down "oh, yeah aha. Forgot I had it" I stated kind embarrassed. "Its cute. I took mine out a few weeks ago. I'm not skinny enough for it" she stated dryly. "Deena you don't have to be skinny to have your belly pierced." I walked over to her "you can pierce whatever you want whenever. Don't let the 'rules of society' dictate the way you live." I told her. She nodded her head.

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