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After leaving the shop, we headed back to the house. As we were walking up the driveway the guys were bringing up their laundry. "I thought we were meeting up?" Vinny said confused. "We were at the shop so we decided to come back & wait for you guys... But you guys were here, so waiting isn't necessary." Sammi said shrugging. I ran upstairs to get a cigarette & then went downstairs to the back porch.

"What smells like Root Beer?" Ronnie asked looking hella confused. "I do!!" I smiled raising my hand. "I have flavored cigarettes." "Where'd you get those? I want some!" Mike said "Ill sell you a pack for $8.75." I said. Mike laughed and walked away.

"Brooke!!" Pauly yelled from from his room. "Coming!" I said putting down my glass & walked to his room. "Come lay with me. Please" he said making a puppy dog face, I laughed and walked over to the bed. I took off my shoes & climbed in next to him. I turned towards him & put my head on his chest. We talked about some random stuff & ended up taking a nap.

** 3½ Hours Later **

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I thought for a second & remembered I was in Pauly's. I turned around to see him still asleep. I slowly got out of bed & walked into the kitchen. No one was here, all the lights were off.

'I guess they went out' I thought to myself. I walked to the fridge and saw a note from Vinny. The letter said -

"Brooke and/or Pauly, The group & I went out to eat, you guys were asleep & we didn't want to wake you two up. Hope there isn't any hard feelings,
- Vinny xoxo"

I laugh at the "xoxo" part. I put the note on the counter & opened the fridge to look for something to cook. I didn't see anything so I looked in the cabinet then the freezer. I found chicken & corn. I looked at the time, 8:45pm. It wasn't that late, I put the chicken in water to defrost.

I decided to go upstairs to take a shower. By the time I get out, the chicken will be done.

** 46 Mins Later **

I got out of the shower & went to my room to change. I put on a sports bra & some matching Nike Pro's. I walked downstairs to start the chicken. I washed my hands, turned on the oven and them started preparing the chicken. I washed the chicken and cleaned out the fillets, placed them on a pan & waited for the oven to heat up.

I started on the corn since I had time. The oven beeped and I put the chicken in. I set the timer so I knew when to put the dressing on.

I went back to Pauly's room to see if he was still asleep. I walked in & what a surprise.. He's asleep. I went back to the kitchen & checked on the food. I was stirring the pot of corn when the rest of the group got home. Well.. The girls at least.

"Hey love" Deena said walking in. "Hey" I replied. "Where's Pauly?" "Still asleep-" I said rolling my eyes. "How was dinner?" "Eh. It was okay. How was your nap?" Snooki said smirking. I smiled at her and shook my head.

The guys came in being loud & obnoxious. "SHHH! PAULY IS ASLEEP! Have some damn respect.!" Jenny whispered yelled harshly. The guys gave her a 'whatever' look and just went about their business. They went into each of there rooms then came to the kitchen.

"Damn! Half naked women, cooking. Now that's what I like.!" Mike said clapping his hands & giving me a sexual look. I guess Pauly walked out & heard him because soon after his remark, Pauly's hand met the back of Mike's head along with "Shut up Mike." Pauly walked over to me, took off his shirt, told me to put it on & gave me a hug from behind.

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