Chapter Twenty Four

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"You okay Athena?" Scorpius asked, I was actually fine, very mad a Rita for being such a troll, but I was okay.

"I'm fine, but if I see that troll I'm going to hex her into a squid." Scorpius laughed.

"So," I was changing the subjest, "How are things with Rose?" Scorpius had obviously had a crush on her for years despite their familys still bad blood, the Potters and Malfoys didn't hate each other anymore but there was still some bad blood there.

Scorpius was turning the color of a tomato. "What do you mean?" He asked, he blushed at any mention of her.

"Come on you know what I mean, have you asked her out?"

"I, uh, no, and if you tell anyone that I-"

I cut him off. "Say no more, my lips are sealed."

"Good, so words been going aroud that you hexed Aine, I thought she was a close friend of yours?"

Even the mention of that witch made me mad. "Was being the key word. She started dating-" I stopped myself there I wasn't going to let him know I was jealous, and yes I'm jeslous, sue me.

"You mean she started dating Alex? So you're jealous?"

"Keep your voice down, Skeeters got her HI like everywhere."

"Sorry, but I thought you and Alex were fighting? He's tried to make up with you multiple time why'd you say no?"

"Because I'm stubborn and don't wan't to see him die in the tournament." I crossed my arms.

"Still you've been friends for ages."

"Why is everyone trying to get us to make up, plus I don't wan't to be friends with him as long as he's dating her."

"Stubborn girl..." Scorpius laughed.

"Yes, I know..."

This was just a filler chapter so yeah but anyway, Scorpius X Rose!!!! (You know you ship it) also be happy I was writing through lunch (Getting griped at be my grandparents and aunt) to get this up

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Authour-San <3

The Gemini Chronicles: A Harry Potter Next Gen Fanfic ( Athena Olympus )Where stories live. Discover now