Chapter Thirty Four

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The class was going in alphabetical order by first names. That put a Hufflepuff sixth year first. Then Aine, who feared serpents, which was very ironic. I was guessing she didn't look at her House's decorations.

Alex followed her. I watched closely, worried despite myself.

Alex stepped in front of the serpent, which had been turned into a balloon animal by a simple recitation of Ridiculous. His eyes were wide; he definitely knew what this would be.

There was a collective gasp when the balloon animal morphed

No shock rivaled mine. I stared at the other me. Blood was pouring from Fake-My chest. A knife was protruding from the boggarts chest.

"Alex," the boggart rasped, clutching the handle of the weapon. "All...your...fault..." She collapsed. Alex couldn't utter the spell. He was petrified--figuratively.

Alex ran out of the room. Tocar pushed me forward. The Boggart of me swirled around, changing appearance. Mine changed repeatedly, not giving it a break. First it was Alex, then Artemis, then Ares, then Ditty, then through the cycle again. All of the images appeared to be either dead or dying. It was kind of gruesome.

Finally I cried, "Ridiculous!" The Boggart turned into an inflatable Christmas decoration. The class erupted into snorts and giggles. I didn't stay for long, I thought those creatures were interesting, but they are like demons. I ran out of the room tears were swelling in my eyes.

The Gemini Chronicles: A Harry Potter Next Gen Fanfic ( Athena Olympus )Where stories live. Discover now