Chapter 1: So much for first impressions

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"When words fail, music speaks." ~Hans Christian Anderson


"Come on, squirt! Tomorrow's school and mum says we have to get supplies," My twin brother, Dan, says coming in to my bedroom interuppting my beloved sleep.

"Ugggh!!" I groan, remembering that I have to go back to hell tomorrow. Oh sorry, I mean school- my bad.

He goes over to my purple curtains and swiftly opens them.

"Ah! No! The light! It burns!" I hiss putting my hands infant of my eyes like a vampire. I am no where near a morning person.

Once my eyes adjusted I see Dan looking down at me with an amused face. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"You." he says. When he sees my confused face he says "Oh, you'll see why soon enough," he says before leaving. "Oh, and be ready in half an hour or I'm leaving without you!" He shouts back at me.


Finally I, un-willingly, trugde out of my bed and look in the mirror and instantly groan when I see my refection. I have slight bags under my dull, blue eyes and my mud-brown, forever-frizzing hair is puffed up around my face like a lion's mane. No wonder Dan was laughing- I would be too- that is if I didn't have to sort it out in less than half an hour to look presentable. I pull a brush though it wondering to myself how on earth it got this matted. I pull it back into a ponytail on the top of my head as there was no time to straighten it.

Luckily, I had a shower last night so I just went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before grabbing an outfit from my wardrobe. Not bothering to make an effort, I grab my trusty denim jeans and a black tank top. I throw a dark, red jumper over the top and put on some brown boots. I paint some make up on my face to cover up a few spots and eyeliner on my eyes. Once I am semi-happy with my appearence, I go down stairs to grab some breakfast.

"It's about damn time!" Dan says as I go into the kitchen where he is sat at the table with my dad who is reading the newspaper.

"Shut up you idiot!" I reply as I grab myself some breakfast.

"Thats enough the pair of you!" My dad says firmly. I sit down at the table next to him while I hear Dan mumble under his breath so I role my eyes in response. "Morning Livvy! How did you sleep?" My dad asked putting his newspaper down and tossing me a loving expression. I smile at the nickname my dad has always called me. My real name is Olivia and only my dad calls me Livvy. Dan usually just calls me some sort of insult.

"Mmfine," I manage to say with my mouth full of cheerios. My dad chuckles at my manners and goes back to his newspaper.

"Ew you're so gross!" Dan says as one of my cheerios land on his hair. I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same back.

"Morning Olivia!" My mums cheery voice calls throughout the kitchen as she comes though the back door from doing gardening. My mum loves gardening and wants to open her own flower shop one day.

"Hi mum!" I reply as I finish my breakfast.

"I best be off! I need to get to the office." My dad says gathering his things up before getting up to give my mum a kiss.

"Eww gross guys, too much for my innocent little eyes!" Dan screams, his hand shielding his eyes.

"Oh please! Your eyes are far from innocent." I say under my breath but he obviously heard me.

"Well, at least girls are after me- Who was your last boyfriend?" He says with his hand cupped to his ear waiting for my none existent answer. Yes, I have never had a boyfriend and therefore never been kissed. Sad, I know.

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