Chapter 9: You can smell the suspense.

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"Hey, where were you yesterday?" He asks. Him and Ella reaching me first.

"Erm, it was nothing." I mumble.

"No seriously. I was worried about you." He says concern in his eyes. Before I answer, a voice interrupts us.

"Hey! Noah what you doing over there?"Sam calls over but then he sees me and his face morphs into a smirk. "Hey there loser," He sneers looking me up and down. "Wow, nice legs nerd. Who knew you actually had a pretty nice figure under those shit clothes you wear at school." He says eying my legs, greedily, that are revealed from my shorts which are now way too short for my liking. His friends are laughing at his joke and even Sam is trying to hold back laughter from his own joke.

"Hey! Stop looking at my sister you asshole!" Dan shouts in his face. "Leave. Her. Alone!"

He ignores Dan.

"You're such a wimp Olivia! You always get someone else to fight your battles, to stick up for you, to save you. Why don't you ever stick up for yourself?!"

I don't answer because it's true.

I always rely on Dan, Alice or Nicole to save me from situations I am uncomfortable in.

I never do anything for myself.

Being shy has restricted me to so many opportunities.

And I can't do anything about it.

"Hey, Sam can I speak to you for a bit?" Noah asks hesitantly, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come on lets go," Dan whispers. "We'll get in the cinema before they notice."

We go find Two empty seats that are surrounded so they couldn't sit anywhere near us.

5 minutes later they all walk in. Noah is still talking intently to Sam. Sam's eyes scan the seats until they land on my and he smiles.

Not a smirk an actual smile.

They are planning something...


Throughout the movie, Sam kept looking back at me, an emotion in his eyes I can't figure out.

The movie ends and I panic. I had been dreading this moment since we walked in. I have to try get out without them following us.

"Come on," Dan whispers. "We'll leave quickly."

We rush out of the screening room successfully but as we get to the door of the building a voice calls my name.

"Hey! Olivia! Wait up!" I turn around to see Sam and Noah with the rest of them following behind.

Dammit we were so close!

"I said leave her alone okay?" Dan says, nearly as fed up as I am.

"Sam just has something to say," Noah says nudging Sam with his elbow.

"Uh, I-I just wanted to say, um , I am sorry." He struggles. "For everything I have done and said to you. You didn't deserve that. I am sorry."

Am i dreaming?

Sam? Apologising?

Is this an alternate universe?

"Babe, we need to go." Ella purrs to Noah making me gag.

"Erm, okay, I'll see you guys later!" He says leaving me and Dan with Sam and his friends.

"Listen Olivia, I know you won't forgive me because I wouldn't forgive myself for the things I said you." He starts. "But the truth is..."

I can almost smell the suspense.

"-I really like you Olivia." He finishes.

My mouth drops open like a fish.

I freeze still.

Sam likes me.

Sam likes me?

"Yeah, sure mate, but for now, me and Olivia need to get home." Dan says and drags me out of the cinema.


"You like him don't you?" Dan asks as we walk home from the cinema.

"What? No! I hate him! You should know this!" I say appalled that he would think I like the person who picks on me.

"Not Sam." He explains. "I meant Noah. I see the way you look at him and I saw that you were jealous when you saw him with that Ella chick."

"I-I just- I don't know. " I sigh. "Yes, I did like him but he's a player and I don't want to just be one of his toys."

He is quiet singling me to continue.

" I mean, I know I am still young so there is plenty of time for things to happen but sometimes I think that I am just not the kind of person people fall in love with. I mean look at me. I am not the prettiest, I am not the sexiest and I'm not the smartest. I just think that why would Noah want me, when he can get girls that are as perfect as Ella?" I say all in one breath.

"Hey! Where have all these negative thoughts come from?" We stop as we are outside our house now and he continues. "Any boy would be lucky to have you. One day someone is gonna swoop in and grab you and everyone else is gonna realise they missed their opportunity. You are funny, kind and the best sister I could ask for. There is always gonna be someone who is better than you but that doesn't matter because your flaws make you the person you are. And if Noah can't see that, then he's not the one for you."

I smile then go to hug him. "Thank you. I really needed that." I say squeezing him.

"Anytime squirt!"


Total word count: 886

Sorry this is a really short chapter compared to the usual ones!

So, Sam likes her? Will Olivia forgive him?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think!

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