Chapter 12: Embarrassment

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"How'd it go?" Alice squeals in my ear as we walk into school.

"God, Alice don't deafen the girl!" Nicole groans, her hands over her ears.

"Can't balme me for being happy! It was her first date!" Alice reply.

"It wasn't a date!" I say.

"Yeah, yeah, sure honey!" Nicole says sarcastically.

"It wasn't!" I scream.

"What wasn't?" Aidan asks coming up behind us.

"Olivia's date with Sam" Alice answers.

I groan and put my hands over my eyes in embarrassment.

"Oh right," Aidan says laughing. "I forgot about that. How'd it go?"

"It was fine okay!" I say still embarrassed.

Luckily the bell rang before they could ask any more questions.

We go off the form and sit at the back of class.

"Hey Olivia!" Noah say taking seat with us thankfully without Ella.

I smile at him while I hear Nicole mumble, "Great the asshole is back." which makes me laugh.

"Did you enjoy the party last night?" He asks.

I nod.

"What did you do?"

I shrug my shoulders.

He sighs realising he won't get much out of me.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asks.

I look at him confused. I have talked to him before.

"I don't bite!" He jokes and I crack a smile.  "I hope Sam is behaving, I was the one to tell him to apologise by the way." he starts to laugh.

"Thank you." I say speaking for the first time.

"You're welcome, Olivia." He says.


"One burger and fries please?" I ask shyly to the dinner lady behind the counter.

"Of course dearie here you go." He hands it over.

I forgot my lunch today so I have to buy it in the canteen at the front. Their is a couple of sliding doors at the back that goes into the garden and a few benches outside which is where we sit. Away from everyone else.

As I turn around to go to the doors at the back where Alice, Nicole and Aidan are waiting for me at our usual seat, I bump into someone causing me to fall back on my butt. Plus my food poured all down my front. I groan and look down at my top to see the damage.

"Oh, look it's the nerd!" My head shoots up to see I had bumped into Ella. The canteen suddenly goes silent watching the scene. My eyes shoot around the room at all the people watching. "I'm terrible sorry I spilt your lunch," She says with fake sympathy. "but I was doing you a favour don't you think? You don't want to get any fatter!"

The room bursts into laughter and I shake with embarrassment.

Sam walks up behind her and walks toward me. I take a sigh in relief. He wouldn't be mean after last night would he? He holds his hand out for me to take and I do.

But then he lets go and I go crashing down to the floor again, screaming. The laughter grows louder and I put my hands over my ears to block it out.

I guess I was wrong.

The laughter dies down and Sam bends down and gets in my face.

"I can't believe you actually thought I liked you!" He laughs. "Why would I like a fat, ugly, nerd like you?"

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