Chapter 21: Can't get rid of me

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"I best be going, my mum will be wondering where I've got to." Noah says politely while Dan scoffs. "Thank you so much for the dinner Alison, It was lovely." He smiles to my mum who smiles lovingly back. "It was nice meeting you Mr Matthews." He says and leans over to shake his hand.

"Good to see you." My dad says warmly.

"Dan." Noah nods and Dan rolls his eyes and grumbles under his breath.

"Thank you everyone. Olivia, can I speak to you for a second?" He says and I follow his out the door.

"What did you want to say?" I ask with a tight smile.

"I-I'm sorry for intruding. I honestly didn't know or I would've come over or-"

"Noah, it's fine." I interrupt his babbling.

He sighs in relief. "So, are we..." He pauses before looking up at me longingly.

"I don't know." I sigh my shoulders dropping.

"Olivia, you know I never meant any of those things. I was blinded by Ella, you need to understand my point of view. She cheated on me. I-I was really angry." He says and my chest constricts as I see his eyes glistening with pain.

"I know that was hard for you Noah but if you'd have listened to me, you would've been spared the pain. We both would've." I look down at my shoes. "I will forgive you Noah. Soon. I know I will. But right kinda feels like you're using me."

He opens his mouth to argue but I beat him to it. "I mean, you literally just broke up with Ella. I don't feels like you just want me to make yourself feel better."

I instantly regret my words as I see how they affected him but I stand my ground.

"Olivia. I had no idea. I am not using you. I would never use you. I just want my friend back." His voice full of guilt. "But it's late, I better go."

"Yeah..." I agree not knowing what else to say.

"See you tomorrow?" He asks hopefully.


"So come on, come on, come on just kiss me.  I'll show you how to start.

Your head says no but don't you listen, you feel it in your heart.

Come on, come on, come on just kiss me who cares if we get caught.

'Cos we both know. Life's just too damn short."

Scouting for girls floods through my ears on the way to school giving me the adrenalin I need.

When I reach the school I begrudgingly take out my earphones and stuff them in my bag, even knowing I will later regret it when I have to untangle them.

I nervously walk up to Alice and Aidan (Nicole is no where to be seen) worried about their reaction to Noah. I feel like they will be angry. Especially Aidan.

"Hey." I call when I get close.

"Hi!" Alice chirps. "You never told us how it went with Noah yesterday." They look at me expectantly. But with different emotions. Alice looks over the moon-excited but on the other hand Aidan looks on edge. I look down at my shoes before telling them the story.

"He said sorry-"

"Just sorry?" Aidan interrupts he face conforming to anger.

"Yes and he asked for forgiveness-" I try again.

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