Chapter 3: Music is my escape

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"How did you manage that?" Nicole says at lunch. We -me,Nicole and Alice- are sat in our usual spot: on a bench outside, under the shade of an oak tree.

"You're forgetting who you're talking to." I say "This is 'Olivia Matthews' and if there's a moment to embarrass yourself, she just can't avoid it." I sigh.

As we eat our lunches I zone out of the conversations. Deciding I won't be able to focus for the rest of the day, I tell them I am going to the music room to clear my head.

Music has always relaxed me. Ever since my dad used to play old 80s  songs on the car that seemed to make me stop crying as a baby, I have just always gone to music when I am stressed to cool my nerves.  From classical to rock, I love every type. Good music doesn't have an expiration date.

I arrive at the music room, glad that no one is here. I sit down at the grand piano admiring the elegance of the white and black keys.

I sit at the stool and test one key with my finger, the sound echoing all around the room.

Checking once again to make sure no one is listening I start playing the song I know off by heart- 'Fix You by Coldplay'.

[Start the video now if you want]

I start with the chords slowly still bit hesitant  at first.

But then I start the melody and I play louder, more sure of myself.

I remember the incident in Physics and a couple of tears escape my eyes.

"What is wrong with her?"  Sam's words echo around my head.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I stand up for myself? Why am I am I so pathetic?

Stop crying, you idiot. You can't let his words get to you, I think to myself.

After a second or two, I forget the world around me.

Sometimes music is the only medicine my body needs.

I didn't make a fool of myself. I didn't embarrass myself.

I close my eyes. My fingers dancing along the keys.

I pour myself into in the music. Just as I have always done.

Because music is my escape.

Soon enough, I find myself singing along quietly.

"And the tears come streaming down your face,

When you lose something you cant replace.

When you love someone but it goes to waste.

Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home,

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you"

A sound from behind me, of - something plastic hitting the floor - interrupted my playing and singing.

I stop quickly and whip my head around.

But I just see a flash of brown hair, hear the sound of footsteps running away, and just a pen lying in its place.

I sigh putting my head in my hands. Someone heard. Someone heard me sing. The only person who has heard me sing is Dan when he walked in on me singing to myself. That, was traumatising enough, I don't need a total stranger knowing how bad I sound singing.

I look at the clock and see that it's two minutes to the bell and I need to get to English.

I gather my things and start to leave when I see the pen lying on the floor.

I pick it up and pop it in my bag and get on my way to english.


The rest of the day past quickly and soon it was time to go home. Plus, I successfully avoided the mysterious boy from the music shop all day even though I saw him in a few more of my classes.

Now it's just the rest of my life! Woo!

I am on the bus with Dan, listening to 'One Republic- Something I Need' and looking out the window, watching the rain drip slowly down the windows.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Dan motioning for me to take out my earphones. I sigh and pause my song to look at him, raising my eyebrows.

"Hey, do you wanna watch The Amazing Spiderman with me tonight? We could have a proper movie night in my room just like we just to?" He asks looking at me pleadingly.

"Um Sure!" I say - I'll always be up for watching Spiderman. "Why the sudden urge to watch Spiderman?"

"I dunno, you look like you have had a hard day, I am bored -as per usual- so why not?" He asks.

I smile at him because he realised that I haven't had the best first day back at school. We know each other so well.


We arrive home and yell a hello to mum at the same time. It's a twin thing.

I get the snacks as he sets everything up. I get two bowls and fill them with popcorn. I grab some crisps and some drinks and head up stairs to his room.

I walk in and see his sofa lined up with his TV and both of our duvets on the sofa. He has dimmed the lights and closed the curtains so it is dark. I grin as I sit down, setting the snacks down on the table next to the sofa while he is fidgeting with the DVD player.

Once it's on he comes and sits next to me, grinning as wide as i am. I sigh in contentment as the familiar scene of young Peter Parker comes into view.

Halfway through the movie, we hear a knock. Dan pauses the movie and mum comes through the door.

"Awh! Look at your two! Just like you used to do!" My mum coos. "I brought some dinner up for you two to eat up here," she says coming over to us and placing a plate pizza in front of each of us.

Maybe this day isn't turning out so bad...

"Thanks, mum!" We both say at the same time then burst out laughing.

"It's alright, you kids have fun!" Mum says and leaves.

The rest of the night was great. When the movie ends Dan and I talked just like we used to and I felt better after having some time together. He always knows how to cheer me up. Soon, we found ourselves falling asleep on his sofa because we were too lazy to go back to our own beds.


Total word count: 1044

The video is by 0AdRiaNleEO on You Tube and is an amazing cover so check it out.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

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Hannah x

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