Chapter 24: Can you keep a secret?

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"Mum, I'm home!" Noah calls through the house as we enter and I am hit with the smell of homemade cookies, making my mouth water.

"Already? How'd it go with Olivia-Oh! Hello, Olivia darling. Didn't see you there." Sandra says, laughing nervously when she sees me.

"Hi." I say, not knowing what else to say.

"Oo,o cookies!" Noah says licking his lips as he runs into the kitchen.

"Noah! Be careful, they just got out the oven-"

Shit!" I hear and we both run in to see a cookie broken the floor and Noah running his hand under the tap. Has he got tears in his eyes?

"I swear! You boys never listen to a word I say! And stop swearing, for goodness sakes!" Sandra says walking to him with her hands on her hips. I hold in a giggle from Noah's face, he looks like a puppy being scolded by it's owner.

Noah sends me a glare and shrugs his fussing mum off his hand.  "I'll be fine, mum. And we couldn't tutor in the library so we are going up to my room." Noah says and gently grabs my wrist and pulls me gently up the stairs.

"Alright dear, nice to see you again Olivia!" She calls and goes back into the kitchen.

"You too." I call back as Noah brings me into his room. Noah's room is exactly how I remember it from the giant bed in the centre to the digital piano in the corner.

"I'm going to toilet, quickly. Make yourself at home." He says then leaves me in his room after sending me a tight smile.

I can't help myself but walk over to the piano. I have the exact model in my room. As I am about to walk away and get my physics textbook out a piece of paper catches my attention.

'Secret Love Song' by Noah Williams. It reads and I look through to see sheet music. Noah wrote a song?

"Alright! Let's do us physics!" Noah yells coming back into the room and plonks himself down on the bed making me laugh.

"Noah, what's this?" I ask and he looks up before running over to me and snaching the papers out my hand harshly leaving me shocked.

"Nothing!" He mumbles and stuffs it under his pillow.

I give him a dead pan look and he sighs sitting on his bed.

"Can you keep a secret?" He says looking slightly worried as he looks up.

"Noah, it's me. Of course." I say smiling.

"I want to start making YouTube videos so I'm writing a song." He blurts and I see red tint his cheeks. I can't but think how cute he looks.

"Wow! Noah that's amazing! I know you'll get loads of views!" I tell him a smile on my face. I'm so excited for him! He could become famous!

"You think so?" He says, looking at me in awe.

"I know so." I grin. "So let me see the song then."

"No, no, no, no, no, no. No." He says, furiously shaking his head at me making me raise an eyebrow in  amusement, then burst out laughing.

"Really Noah? Seven no's?" I laugh.

He sighs. "I don't know, it's not even that good and-"

"Noah, I'm sure it's amazing!" I reassure putting my hand on his shoulder.

"But it's not finished yet." He mumbles like a stubborn child.

"Can I help you finish it?" I ask, biting my lip. I know I say I haven't forgiven him but deep down I know I have, I just want to spend more time with him.

"You really want to do that?" He says in disbelief.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I shrug. "Please?" I show him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh! Fine!" He says and I squeal in delight.


It's now six thirty and we finished up on physics and now we're just writing Noah's song. The whole thing is getting me so excited, I can't wait to see everyone's reaction. And it's strange to see Noah so sensitive and worried about this, it's different to the exterior he puts on at school.

Suddenly he hear the front door open and noise erupting from below the stairs.

"That's Rosie and Mason." Noah says and I try hide my smile by biting my lip but I can't. Noah rolls his eyes at me, seeing right through my act.  "Come on, let's go."

A grin erupts on my face and I follow Noah down the stairs to see Mason, Sandra and of course Rosie. I still wonder why Noah's dad doesn't live with them but I don't want to ask in case it's a bad story.

"Noah!" I hear Rosie yell and jump into her brothers arms making Noah groan from the impact.

"Rosie, I have someone you'll want to see." Noah says once he's recovered and puts Rosie down to face me.

"Olivia?" She yells in surprise but also runs up to me and jumps on me and much like Noah I groan from the impact but hold her close after. "I missed you." She mumbles into my neck. "Noah and Mason are terrible at tea parties and I need another girl."

We all laugh at her complaints and I smile. I really have missed her.

"Olivia, will you be staying for dinner?" Sandra asks, hopefully.

"Sorry but I need to be getting home." I explain with an apologetic look. "Maybe another time?"

"Definitely. And here, why don't you take some cookies home, for your family. "Sandra says and rushes into the kitchen to bag some up for me.

When she gets back she hands me a tin foil package and pulls me into a hug surprising me.

"I'm glad my son finally got it together." She whispers into my ear making me let out a small giggle. Me too. I think to myself.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Noah." I say awkwardly to Noah who is smiling brilliantly at me. As I am about to leave when I feel a soft tug on my uniform.

"I'll see you again, right?" Rosie says her lip wobbling, the sight making my heart sting. Last time  I saw her I didn't see her again for three weeks.

"Of course." I say bending down to her level and placing a loving kiss on her forehead, making her let out a giggle.

"Promise?" She shouts and I start to walk away. I look back to se Noah stood in the open door with his sister in her arms.

"I promise." I shout back as I close the gate to Noah front garden and turn to walk home.


Total word count: 1045

Hello! I don't know how to feel about this chapter so let me know!

Yes I know Secret Love Song is a song by Little Mix but just pretend Noah wrote it okay? Okay.

See you next time! ^-^

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