Chapter 13: Teach me to be confident.

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I walk into my art classroom hesitantly with my head fixed on the floor.

I see Nicole and Alice at the right side of the classroom so I start to walk over to them as there is no seating plan in this class.

Everyone notices me and the class becomes quiet and only the whispers can be heard.

"Did you hear what happened at lunch to her?" 

"I feel so sorry for her,"

"What a wimp! Why doesn't she stick up for herself?"

"No wonder she hasn't been kissed."

"Olivia! Come over here!" Nicole shouts over to me.

"Hi," I mutter to them.

"Oh Olivia! We are so sorry! We should've come with you!" Alice says hugging me.

Here we go again. I always need someone to stick up for me. I can never handle anything myself.

"It's okay," I mumble.

"No it's not, w are terrible best friends!" Alice cries.

"Get over yourself, Alice!" Nicole says and I smile.

This is why I like being friends with Nicole. She never is pitiful or feels sorry for you. She just picks you back up and helps you carry on.


As class goes on, I find myself relaxing. Our art teacher is really nice and lets us listen to music so I just put my headphones in and blocked everyone out.

I hum to myself 'Drive By- by Train' as I walk out of Art after I said goodbye to  Alice and Nicole. It is a really catchy song!

I start walking home on my own as Dan is going with his friend.

"You like Train too?" A voice says from behind me making me jump, when I get to the gates.

I turn around to see Noah with a smile on his face.

"Um, yeah." I answer. "What you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay," He says thoughtfully. "And I wanted to ask a question,"

"Shoot." I say.

"Why do you never stick up for yourself?"

I freeze. Bit blunt?  "I-I'm too shy." I reply "And I am scared." I mumble the last part.

"Why are you scared?" He asks.

Geez, he's curious isn't he?

"I dunno. Embarrassment?"

"You know Olivia," he starts. I look at him expectantly. "I'm gonna teach you how to be confident." He says convinced it can happen.

"What?" I say laughing. "Believe me, I've tried. It doesn't work."

"Let me have a go," He begs. "Please?"

"And how are you gonna do that?" I hesitantly ask.

"You can come to mine and I'll come up with exercises to help you become more confident."

I stand there wondering at his decision. If he can really 'cure' my shyness it would be great. But he probably won't. It's a lost cause.

But what's the harm in trying?

"Okay then. Teach me to be confident." I say nodding my head. "Um, when do we start?"



When Words Fail, Music Speaks.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя