Chapter 16: Cheating Pig.

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I was scared to go to school this morning because of what happened between me and Noah. But I did finally get myself out of bed and here I am walking into school with my headphones in.

I turn the corner and go into school to see a horrible sight.

Ella and Noah sucking each others faces off. Typical.

But as I walk closer I realise it's not Noah.

It's Sam.

I gasp and run in the opposite direction.

They must have broke up. Noah didn't tell me. But why would he tell you about his love life?

The bell rings before I have chance to find my friends so I get on my way to form.

I go sit at the back with Alice and try to forget what I just witnessed.

Noah has broke up with Ella. He is single.

But then my heart sinks as Ella and Noah walk in. Hands clasped. Looking lovey-dovey at each-other.

Is Ella cheating on Noah?

What a cheating pig!

I need to tell Noah, don't I? But why should I be the one to ruin his happiness?

However, he'll find out I knew then become angry with me, for not telling him.

What do I do?

I decide to wait until I could ask Nicole, Alice and Aidan about it at lunch.

So, I avoid Noah all day to stop me from slipping up and accidentally telling him.


"She what?" Alice screams too loud.

"I don't know why you're so surprised," Nicole says. "She's a bitch, what did you expect?"

Alice's holders slumped in defeat.

"So, are you gonna tell him?" Nicole asks.

"I was gonna ask you guys that..?" I say.

"Tell him." Aidan says. "You two are good friends now and he should trust you."

I nod. That was my gut feel.

"He's over there," Alice points. "He isn't with Ella so this is a perfect opportunity."

"Okay, I'll go then." I say before I go over to the water fountain Noah is standing next to.

"Noah?" I say when I walk behind him.

"Olivia!" He says obviously surprised. "I am so so sorry about last night."

I had honestly forgotten about last night.

"I just wanted you to sing for me-" he starts.

"Noah, I need to tell you something," I interrupt but he carries on.

"And I remembered how amazing you were when I had listened to you before and I just wanted to hear it again and-"

"Noah, quit it, I need to tell-" I try again but is does;'t work.

"I thought you would be confident enough to do it in front of me by now and-"

"Noah! What are you doing?" A squeaky voice calls.

Damn it!

She saunters over to us in her hot pink heels and grabs hold of Noah's arm and gives me a disgusted look.

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