Chapter 5: Forget anyone is watching

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We finished the song and I was really happy. It sounded amazing and Noah can sing really well. Mum came to pick me up outside the school gates at 4:30 and I muttered a bye to Noah before getting in the car with my mum.

The car journey was nice as I told mum about our song. When we arrive home, I had tea  and then headed for an early nights sleep for our performance today.

I just woke up and I decide to actually make an effort today with my appearance to hopefully distract people from my playing. Hopefully most of the attention will be on Noah anyway as he's the one singing.

I put on our uniform which consists of a back skirt, white shirt and black blazer with a white and blue striped tie. I straighten my frizz out of my hair and apply some make up. I do the usual of covering up my spots then add some blusher. On my eyes I do a light pink eyeshadow and my black eyeliner. To top it off I add a light pink lipstick.

I even smile at my reflection, happy with my appearance for once. Hopefully this will increase my confidence for our performance.


I meet up with Alice and Nicole before school but we don't have much time to talk as the bell rings straight away. Nicole wishes me a quick good luck as I walk with Alice to our form.

Mr Collins is sat at the front of the room marking so we just so to the back of class and catch up with some homework.

Soon the bell is ringing and everyone heads to first lesson. Alice wishes me good luck as I go on my to the music room.

As I'm entering I freeze in my step as I see Noah talking to Sam. What is Sam doing in this class?

I go sit at the opposite side of the classroom and pull out my headphones like last time, listening to 'All I want- kodeline' to calm my nerves.

It doesn't work though. Thoughts buzz around my head, like a disturbed bees nest, of all the possible moments I could mess up.

Plus Sam is going to be watching. If I mess up, he'll never let it go. And I don't have Nicole or Alice here to save me.

You don't need someone to save you every time! You're not a flippen' damsel in destress! You need to stick up for yourself for once!

But I can't. I'll never be able to stand up for myself. I just can't.

The time came and soon Miss Maxine was asking people to start performing. I couldn't even focus on the performances because I was just helplessly going over the chords in my head, praying that I wouldn't make a mistake.

"Next, we have Olivia and Noah."

Noah tosses me a smile and we walk up to the front.

My whole body is shaking from fear.

You'll be fine Olivia! Its just a small song! You'll be fine!

Somehow, I didn't believe myself because my hands are still trembling.

I sit at the stool, and place my hands on the piano keys. My eyes widen as I realise that my hands are trembling so much I can't move them properly.

I can't do this! My mind screams at me.

Noah come and sits near me with his guitar. He smiles at me but it turns to a frown when he sees my worried expression.

He places his warm hand in mine and squeezes reassuring me.

"You'll be fine," He whispers, his brown eyes filled with concern. "Just forget anyone is watching and do it just as we did yesterday."

I look straight into his eyes see nothing but genuine concern.

When Words Fail, Music Speaks.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang