Chapter 6: It's not a dorky movie!

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"I am so in!" Dan enthuses when I tell him the news. "I've been wanting to re-watch the first one for ages!"

'Okay then, I said I would meet them outside school" We would be walking to Aidan's house as he lives round the corner.

"Let's go then!" He says dragging me away from the football field where I went to meet him. He is still in his football uniform and glistening with sweat. Ew!

"Why am I even invited? They are your friends right?" He says.

"I just wanted you with me." I mumble.

"Aw, is little Olivia scared?" He teases.

"Shut up."

"Oh, I'm only messing with 'ya! Thank you for inviting me."

"Yeah, yeah," I grumble.


"Hey!" Aidan greets as we approach and Noah looks up from his phone.

"Hi," I say. "This is my, erm, brother, Dan." I introduce. "And Dan this is Aidan."

"Hey man," Dan says shaking his hand.

"Um hi" Aidan says, pushing up his glasses, looking intimidated.

"Ha! I can see why you and Olivia became friends, You are both so shy!" he says pinching my cheeks as they flush red.

"Lets just go," I mumble.

"Yeah, erm, this way." Aidan says trying to sound more confident.


Aidan's house is small and cosy.It is an old fashioned house with a warm and friendly feeling. It even has ivy climbing up the walls. We step inside and a warm aroma hits me immediately.

"Dad, I'm home!" Aidan shouts up the stairs. "We can go in the living room if you want?" Aidan mumbles.

We follow him through to the living room and Noah sits down on the sofa like he lives there. It is obvious that Noah has been here a lot. Me and Dan go sit next to him, me awkwardly in the middle, while Aidan gets the DVD.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Dan asks Aidan curiously.

"No, its just me, my dad and my mum- I'm an only child." Aidan replies. "My mum works late as a nurse and my dad works from home."

"Oh," Me and dan say at the same time.

"Dont do that," Noah mutters.

"Don't do what?" We and Dan reply-again at the same time.

"Speak together like that- it freaks me out!"

"Its a twin thing." Me and Dan say together then burst out laughing.

"Weirdo's" Noah mumbles under his breath, which only makes us laugh harder.

"It's ready!" Aidan shouts. "Do you wanna grab some snacks first?" We nod and follow him.

"I approve of him," Dan whispers to me. "He gives us food."

I laugh at him as we walk into the kitchen.

"I forgot to ask-how did your performance go?" He asks me and Noah.

"It was amazing! Olivia did great." He says looking into my eyes. "And me of course" he winks and I roll my eyes.

"Good" Dan answers. Aidan is getting crisps and grabs some Pringles. "Oh my god, this is the start to a beautiful friendship!" Dan calls going over to Aidan walks in.

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