Chapter 4: I ship it

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It's Tuesday and I'm stood outside the music room waiting for our class to go in. Soon enough, my favourite teacher- Miss Maxine- lets us into the music room.  I get to my seat and as I don't have any friends in this class, I took my headphone to and started listening to 'Bastille-Get Home', as we wait for everyone else to arrive.

I nearly take a double take as I see 'The boy from the music shop' aka 'The boy who saved me from a detention and I never thanked' or 'The boy I embarrassed myself in front of' or even 'Mr Gorgeocity'.

I really need to find out his name.

He sits a few seats away from mine. I take out my headphones because the class is about to start.

"Okay, class listen up!" Miss Maxine says "Today we will be preparing to perform covers of songs in groups-"

Everyone cheers until Miss Maxine carries on with her sentence.

"-that I will be choosing."  Everyone groans.

"The groups are on the board and you can use any instruments or any song, you just need to put your own twist in it."

On the board is a list of groups of twos and threes. Finally I see my name:

'Olivia and Noah.'

Who's Noah?

"So, we meet again," A deep voice says behind me and I freeze up. "Olivia..." He tests my name on his tongue and it sends shivers up my spine.

I turn around to be face to face with- I finally know his name-Noah.

"I guess." I mumble as we walk over the the other side of the music room which has all the musical instruments.

"So, you play piano." He says I as walk at over the the white grand piano I was sat at yesterday.

When I don't answer, he carries on speaking- "I do too. I also play Guitar, and sing a bit."

I nod as I sit down at the piano. He grabs a guitar and a chair and comes and sits opposite me.

"So," He starts "What do you want to play?"

I shrug my shoulders looking at the floor.

"You don't talk much, do you?" He says laughing a bit as I just sit there awkwardly.

"Do you like Imagine Dragons?" My ears perk up at the mention of my favourite band and a smile sets in my face.

"Ah, so you're a Dragoner? What's your favourite song?"  he asks.

I suddenly forget about the nervousness and my shyness and say "Probably 'I Bet My Life' but I like 'Demons' and 'It's Time' too."

He smiles, making his brown eyes sparkle, because he finally got a proper sentence out of me. I smile back.

"How about we do like a slow version of 'I Bet My Life'?"

"Sounds good," I say and we get to work. I usually wouldn't be this fast at talking to people but something about him makes me feel comfortable.


"Guys, 5 more minutes and next lesson we will be performing to the class." Miss Maxine shouts to the class.

Me and Noah take a panicked glance at each other. We were only up to the second verse and we hadn't  even talked about the singing yet.

"We won't finish this - we'll have to meet up after school." He concludes.

"I know," I say.

"Wanna meet here after school?"


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