Chapter 7: Everything will be okay

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"Good morning Livvy!" My dad says as I walk downstairs.

"Morning!" I rush into his arm like a three year old giving him a squeeze.

"Olive! We need to go! We'll be late!" Dan screams. 

"Don't call me that!" I reply angrily still in my dad's arms.

"Why not?" He laughs "You look like one!" He comes up to me giving me fake smell. "Phew! You smell like one too!" He screams before running off.

"Hey! I'll get you for that!" I scream about to run after him when my dad pulls me back. "Hey! let me go! I need to teach him a lesson!" 

"Oh livvy!" he says chuckling, looking down at me. "Have a good day at school." he says kissing my forehead. "I love you."

"I will and love you too!" I say rushed to go after Dan.

"Go on then," he says letting me go. "And be easy on him!" he calls after me.

"Can't make any promises!" I call back.


"Hey Olivia! Wait up!" A cheerful voice says from behind me scaring the life out of me. I have just said good bye to Dan (After I slapped him for saying I smell) and was going to meet Nicole and Alice in our usual place.

I turn around to see Noah smile innocently at me. "What do you want?" I sigh.

"Woah, someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning!" He's jokes. 

"Seriously, What to you want?" I demand. 

"Okay, Okay," He hold his hands up in surrender. "I just wanted to apologise."

"For what?" 

"I just- I was an idiot texting Sam after what he said to you yesterday then defending him. So, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologise." 

"What?" He asks confused.

"I said, you don't need to apologise- he's your friend. It's none of my business." I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh thank God! So, are we good?" 

I nod. A smile erupts on his face. The bell rings. "I'll see you later then?" 

"Um, okay?" I call back.


"And then," Nicole says, telling me and Alice a story at lunch. "That bitch thought she could say insults about my hair! My hair! The nerve!" 

We burst out laughing. Nicole always gets very protective over her hair as she spends a lot of time dyeing it to perfection- her words not mine.

"Whats so funny?" A familia deep voice says from beside me.

I turn to become face to face with Noah Williams.

"None of your business, so go back over to your group of boneheads and leave us alone!" Nicole grunts.

"Nicole!" I warn.

"What? One of his friends was the one to get me in this mood." She says shrugging.

I turn to Noah who looks a mix between insulted and confused.

"Sorry about her. So, erm, what do you want?" I stammer.

"What? I can't have lunch with one of my friends?" 

"Since when did you become friends with one of us?" Alice asks. "You're one of the populars, you wouldn't want to friends with on it is unless it was a scam."

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