Chapter 2: Fancy seeing you here!

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"So, let me get this straight," Alice says to me as we walk into school.

Alice and I have always been friends- despite our differences. It started in preschool when she pushed over a boy for stealing my crayons and the friendship blossomed from there. She has  blonde hair that flows in loose waves down her amazing figure. She has dazzling blue eyes that all the boys swoon over, and a perfect smile that cheers up anyone who sees it. I sometimes wonder why she hangs around with me and Nicole because she could easily fit in with the 'populars.' However she says that they're all bitches. I couldn't agree more.

"You saw a hot guy in Nicole's music shop and all you say is 'hi'?!"  She demands.

"Yes?"I say sounding like a question more that a statement.

"Ugh, you're impossible!" She says. "Did Nicole do anything?"

"No, and can we just drop it? It was an extremely embarrassing moment! I would like to erase it from my memory please?!"

"Fine!" She says. "Anyway, How was your summer?"

She returns to her bubbly self and we talk about our summers until we are rudely interrupted with the dreaded bell.

We begrudgingly hike up the stairs to our form room.

We enter and we take our usual seats, the back of the classroom, as our form teacher- Mr Collins- doesn't care what we do in form as he just sits at the front of the class marking.  We immediately carry on our conversation about Alice's holiday to Hawaii just to be interrupted by his deep voice.

"Settle down, class, I need to give out your timetables and do the register." Mr Collins says.

When I get given my timetable I instantly groan at the first period on a Monday- Physics with Mrs Bows! Great!Just Great! (note the sarcasm)

Then I compare mine with Alice's  and smile when I realise I am in lots of her classes. Let's hope Nicole is in the ones she isn't.


Me and Alice arrive at physics starting the torture of having Mrs Bows pick on me at every she gets for yet another year.

Seriously, what did I do to deserve this?

"Good of you to join us girls!" We aren't even late! I think to myself.

"Sorry, miss!" Alice says politely while I mumble a sorry.

She tell us our seats which are the same as last year- next to each other but not as partners this time- she is next to a cute, shy boy with glasses who I think is called Aidan, whereas the seat next to mine is empty.

Yes! I rejoice in my head - No annoying partner this year!


Fifteen tedious minutes of Physics later, a knock interrupts Mrs Bows lectures on forces. She strolls over to the door, in her classic 'teacher heels'- as Me, Nicole and Alice calls them. You know the heels all female teachers wear to make the sound clopping down the corridor in utter science when they need to collect someone from class or something? No? Okay then.

She opens the door with a scowl on her face to whoever interrupted her lesson but it suddenly brighten when she sees the person at the door.

I look up curiously to who could wipe Mrs Bows scowl off her face as it was always pretty fixed whenever I talk to her. Then again she does hate me.

"Mr Williams, welcome to our school." Mrs Bows says. She has always named us by our last names like we were in a school from the middle ages.  She was even smiling, showing off her yellow, crooked teeth. She must like the 'Mr Williams' at the door who I still can't see.

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