Chapter 19: Second chance?

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It's Monday. That means school. And school means facing Noah. Great.

I pull myself out of bed and put on my uniform and grab my phone. I trudge down stairs to see my mum and Dan sat at the table with big smiles on their faces. At least someone's happy.

"Why so happy? It's a Monday, you know?" I say grabbing myself some cereal and sitting next to Dan.

They grin at each other. Okay, what's going on?

"Well," My mum starts taking a seat beside me.

"No, no, no! I wanna tell her!" Dan yells.

"Okay, you tell her!" My mum smiles warmly. I turn my gaze to Dan impatiently.

"Well, you know..-Actually no! You tell her!" Dan says, looking back at Mum. My mum looks at him like she'll argue.

"Oh for the love of God will someone just tell me!" I yell, annoyed.

"Dad's being released from the hospital today!" Dan screams, ignoring my grumpiness.

I freeze with a massive mouthful of cereal. I quickly swallow it then a smile is on my face in a flash. "Dad's coming home?" I can't believe it!

"Yes darling! I got a phone call this morning!" Mum exclaims.

Not being able to contain my excitement I rush into her arms.

She kisses my forehead as I hear Dan laughing in the background.

"Shut up." I mumble into my mum's chest. "What time?"

"He'll be home when you get back from school!" She says, stoking my hair. "You two better get to school come on."

I grab my bag, say goodbye to my mum and follow Dan out the front door with a smile on my face.


My happy mood didn't last long as when I reached school I met with Alice who reminded me we have Physics first and I sit next to Noah.

"Listen, it will be fine! Me and Aidan are right next to you and Mrs Bows wont let him get a word in anyway!" Alice encourages.

"I guess.." I shrug. Mrs Bows hasn't stopped Noah talking to me before.

Soon enough I followed Alice into the classroom and sat in my seat. I took a sigh of relief when I saw that Noah wasn't here yet.

Alice and Aidan start talking but I zone out and start doodling. I don't know what I'm even going to say when I see Noah.

But the moment came and Noah walks in.

Next to him is the guy Alice was dancing with on Saturday. He's called Mark and apparently they really hit it off. He sound like a nice guy from what Alice has told me so I hope everything goes well for them. Nicole doesn't like him, but then again who does Nicole like? He winks at Alice which makes her blush, I laugh.

"Hurry along boys!" Mrs Bows voice screeches from behind them. "You youngsters move so slow these days!" She huffs.

Noah starts to come to his place next to me but I carry on with my doodle of a guitar.

"Hey." Noah says awkwardly as he pulls the chair out, making a screeching noise, and sits on it.

I look up and force a smile but look at the poster behind him, next to his head rather than his eyes as I know one look in them and I'll want to forgive him straight away.

I look back down at my doodle but I see from the corner of my eye that he has a frown on his face.

"Um, Olivia. Listen I-"

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