Chapter 27: Mesmerised by his voice

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"A little more to the, too far....yep! Perfect!" My dad shouts as I carefully adjust the Christmas lights for what must be the sixtieth time as I roll my eyes at him behind his back.

The bitter winter air rushes and crashes against me as I start to climb back down the cold metal ladder. It's two weeks until christmas and everything and everyone seems to have fallen into a pit of festivity an happiness, including me. Only yesterday, I bought a small Christmas tree to put in my room.

Well, I say everyone...everyone except my dad. Unfortunately, he's still stuck on bedrest from his accident and starting to get ever so grumpy. I don't think he is looking forward to a Christmas where he feels useless in helping anyone.

It was especially hard for him because his silly feud with our neighbour Gary about the best Christmas lights was down the drain as dad couldn't climb a ladder this year.

So me, being the best daughter ever, volenteered to help him.

Biggest. Mistake. Ever.

Mum even warned me, said I'd regret it because he takes this little yearly feud a little too far but I didn't listen, trying to make my unhappy, bedrest- bound father content. He had been sulky for weeks and I couldn't stand seeing him that way.

But look where it got me.

In the bitter cold for three and a half hours.

"Dad, I'm going inside, it's way to cold to be doing this. And it's getting late." I tell him, pulling my coat around myself tighter, licking my lips to try get some feeling back in the numb skin. The sky was starting to darken and I was so tired my eyes were closing on there own accord.

"What? No! We're nearly finished!" He shouts in defiance as I go to host him up out of the lawn chair he was planted in. He doesn't protest as I gently pull him up but huffs loudly like a two year old having a tantrum.

"You guys finally done?" Mum asks when we make our way into the kitchen. Gently, I sit dad at the table and give mum and look as if saying 'help me'. She lets out a soft laugh as she sits next to my dad to try cheer him up as I sneak away.

Of course, we all feel for him. Being bedrest bound is hard and something none of us have had to experience, but it didn't give him an excuse to be annoying!

"Hey!" I shout as I make my way in my room to see Dan rushing around my room, lifting objects and opening draws like he was looking for something. "What are you doing!" I storm up to him, my hands on my hips. No one can come in my room without my permission- especially my idiotic brother.

Shocked and almost scared, his eyes widen and he visibly gulps as his head whips around fast and sees my shivering, angry form. "I-I just seeing what DVDs you had...I...facied a good movie and I've seen all mine so-"

"Yeah, whatever." I scoff, grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the door. I was much to exhausted to deal with his stupidity, not caring about whatever he was looking for. "Just get out please."

He hangs his head in shame but I still see the glance of a smirk on his stupid face proving that he felt no remorse whatsoever. Getting more and more frustrated I shove him out my room with lots of difficulty, he's stronger than he looks actually.

"Wait, so can I borrow some DVDs?" He asks just as I'm about to close the door on his nose. I hands clench into fists. Honestly, how do I put up with this dude?

"I'll think about it." And with that I shut the door in his face and collapse on my bed. You'd never have thought that putting Christmas lights up would be so energy draining, but I suppose it did excite me that we were so close to Christmas.

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