Chapter 15: Two weeks later.

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[Two weeks later]

'So,what you up to?' ~Noah

It's Sunday and is been 2 weeks since Noah caught me when I fell off the climbing frame. We have been hanging out and texting ever since. Thus annoying everyone around us. Alice complained that we hadn't hung out in a while so we are now in a shopping centre having a break for lunch at a cafe.

'I'm out shopping with Aidan and the girls.' ~Me

'Aidan? You hang out with Aidan now?' ~Noah

"Who are you texting?" Nicole voice says in my ear scaring the life out of me.

"Geez, Nicole! Are you trying to kill me?!" I gasp, my hand over my heart.

"You weren't answering!" She shrugs, popping another in her mouth.

"Yeah, she's too busy texting lover-boy!" Alice sniggers.

"Alice!" I warn.

"What?" she asks innocently.

I huff folding my arms and go back to texting Noah.

'Yeah, haven't you noticed...' ~Me

I get a reply quickly as if he was waiting for it.

'So, are you two like together now???' ~Noah

I look at my phone shocked he asked that. Then I realise that Noah doesn't know that Aidan is gay. Aidan told Alice and Nicole yesterday after asking me if they would mind. The three of us have got really close in the last few days.

Before I can reply my phone is snatched out of my hands.

"Hey!" I shout at Nicole who is the culprit who stole my phone.

"Ooo, lover-boy seems jealous!" She says looking at my texts.

"Wait what?!" Alice squeals. "Lemme see that!" She snatches my phone out of Nicole's hand and looks at it for herself. "Omg he likes you!"

"Need I remind you, he has a girlfriend!" I point out.

"Girlfriend or not, he is still jealous," Aidan says now looking at my texts. "He never gave two shit's about who I went out with, but when it's you- he's curious! This is three question mark curious!"

"See -this is fate!" Alice squeals.

I groan and put my head in my hands.

"Here, text him back. He's probably freaking out, thinking you're not available!" Aidan jokes handing me my phone back.

'No, we are all just friends. What you you doing?' ~Me. I quickly text back changing the subject.

'I'm on a date with Ella but she is being boring as hell!' ~Noah

I smile at the fact he is on a date but he wants to talk to me instead.

"Oh god, she's smiling at her phone again!" Nicole groans banging her head on the table.


The weekend unfortunately came to an end and now it's Monday.

The bell just rang and now we are on our way to first period. Physics.


We arrive and sit at our places. Noah isn't here yet. Disappointment floods in me but I imagine he is just late.

Sure enough, Noah walks in and walks over to me.

"Hi Olivia!" He says when he reaches me.

"Hi Noah." I reply smiling up at him.

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