Chapter 17: Halloween

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"I say, we get revenge." Nicole says sweetly, as she applies face paint to my face while Alice is doing the same for Aidan.

"What's your plan?" Alice asks, excited by the idea.

"Guys I don't want revenge I-" I try.

"We should strip him so he's naked and embarrassed. Then we yank out all his toe and finger nails and watch him groan in pain. Then we-" Nicole rambles rubbing her hands together evilly.

"Woah! Remind me never to get on your bad side!" Aidan says interrupting her. Nicole gives him an innocent smile.

Before any of us can say anything else, Dan comes storming into my room.

"Ahoy, my hearty's!" he shouts. He is wearing a pirate costume even with a fake beard.We all burst out laughing

"Dan, what are you wearing?" Alice manages to say, the rest of us laughing too much.

"What? Too much?" he says looking down at himself.

"No, no not at all!" I say. I need pictures of him later.

"Good, because I know the ladies will be all over me in this costume." He says and puts his arm around Nicole. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

She slaps him right in the face and says. "Don't touch me, you peasant!" Which makes us burst out laughing. Well, Dan doesn't look very happy. But Aidan  is nearly on the floor!

Once we are all ready we go down stairs. My Mum is waiting for us with a camera and insisted to take a picture of us all.

I am between Dan and Aidan with Nicole next to Aidan and Alice on the end. We all strike scary poses and Mum takes the picture.


Music booms houses away from the venue. I don't know what to expect. The party is being held by one of Ella's friends- Jade- so I'm sure that Ella and Noah are going to be there.

I only found out this morning and didn't want to go but Aidan, Nicole and Alice persuaded me. I've been avoiding Noah ever since the day he insulted me in front of everyone, and not talking to him in class.

Sam kept tripping me. Ella kept insulting me. And Noah continued to do nothing while he watched.

The house is covered by Halloween decorations like spider webs, pumpkins and more.

When we arrive we get otthe car and start to walk down the path of the house.

We walk in and are greeted with a strong smell of alcohol, lots or decorations and people. Everywhere. Vampires, witches, skeletons, zombies and more.

Dan goes to meet his friends and probably to hopelessly pick up some girl.We instantly go over to the snacks- obviously.

We start talking and laughing amongst ourselves, when a voice interrupts.

"Hey there," We turn around to see a boy I've never seen before about our age. He has dark brown hair- almost black but it is too dark to make out any of his other features. He is dressed in a super man outfit.

"Not interested!" Nicole sings and me and Aidan snigger.

"Nicole! That was mean!" Alice says then turns to the mystery boy, "Sorry about her."

"It's okay, gorgeous!" He says smirking at her. She blushes at the compliment but Nicole fake gags behind her back which makes us snigger again.

"Do you want to dance?" He asks her and she gladly accepts. They walk off the dance floor.

"Ugh, how can she fall for his fake charm?" Nicole groans over the load music.

I shrug back and open my mouth to reply but something catches my attention. Next to Alice and her dance partner is Noah and Ella. He looks at her with such admiration.

I quickly avert my attention. I don't want to be thinking about how he trusted her over me.

"Can we go outside? It's a but stuffy." I shout. Aidan understands as he saw my gaze but Nicole is too busy eating all the crisps. She grabs a handful and we walk out the back door to the garden.

The garden is really pretty, it's full with flowers of all kind and beautiful frames and wire benches. In the middle is a big pond glistening I'm the moon light.

I sigh, happy to get out of the loud, stuffy atmosphere. And away from a certain someone.

The only sound is the faint music and Nicole munching on her crisps- oblivious to how I'm feeling.

I don't even know how I'm feeling.


"No because if you had feet for hands you couldn't write, pick up things or any other activity!" Nicole says and we sit on the grass outside Jade's house. We are currently having a debate on whether it would be better to have feet for hands or hands for feet.

"But imagine having hands for feet! They would ache all the time because the skin isn't tough enough!" Aidan argues.

"No! Hand's for feet would be amazing! You could be eating, reading, and going to the toilet all at the same time!" I burst out laughing. Of course Nicole thinks of that. "What more could a person want in life!"

My laughing stops abruptly when Noah steps out from the house and walks over to us. His hands are in fists and he looks angry.

"Yes?" Nicole grunts at him.

He ignores her and me and looks straight at Aidan.

"Aidan, man can I speak to you for a second?" He says, his teeth clenching.

Aidan scoffs looking up at him. "Why?" He asks.

"Because you're my friend." he grits out.

Aidan scoffs again. "I'm sorry I don't have any friends by the name of Noah."

Nicole sniggers but I stay quiet.

"What are you talking about?" Noah says, confused.

Aidan stands up. "I'm sorry but friends don't ignore each other. They don't just watch and laugh when people make fun of them. You didn't even notice I'd stopped hanging out with you until Olivia mentioned me two fucking weeks later!"

Aidan was getting really angry now. Noah looked shocked but stayed quiet, knowing he was right.

"And last time I checked I don't want to be friends with someone who pushes people to do stuff, boosts their self esteem just for it to come crashing down when you call them a stupid lying little girl!" He grits out, his hands forming fists. Noah's eyes flicker to mine but I shoot my eyes down so I didn't have to look at him.

"I bet you don't know how upset she was. You just went off with Ella like everything was fine!" He flips his hands up in the air. "You know, I can't believe I was ever friends with-"

"I know, I know! I get it! Just shut up already!" Noah shouts. He fists his hand through his hair, messing it up. "I know, I'm a terrible person! I don't stick up for people!" He voice lowered and he looked at me. "I'm stupid and I put my trust in the wrong people!"

He sighs. "Aidan, if you'll ever forgive me I really need someone to talk to right now." He looks so sad. I wonder what happened.

And with that said, he left the party leaving us stunned.


Oh ma gosh I updated! I know, shocker!

I have had really bad writers block with this story but I finally know where I want it to go. *does happy dance*

I don't know if anyone reads this story anymore but I'm enjoying writing it so I don't mind.

I'd love you to check out my divergent fanfiction. I'm really proud of it so far.

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