Chapter 25

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Joe rolled away from the sleeping bodies, trying to keep what warmth he could in the blankets. He pulled on his boots and coat before heading out into the predawn darkness. He moved the go-devil into place and rolled a log onto it before coaxing one of the oxen to back up.

"Couldn't wait?" Levi's teasing tone startled him.

Joe grinned. "That and those girls need to be warm."

Levi nodded. "Let's see what that devil-thing'll do."

Joe clucked at the ox. "Come on, pull."

The beast glanced back at him before taking a tentative step forward. "He's not used to working alone."

"They both better get used to it. We're gonna use 'em a lot that way."

The log lurched forward and slid almost effortlessly across the ground. Levi's eyes widened as a grin split his face. "Do that again."

Joe smiled back at him. "How bout you do it. Haul over those logs that you've peeled starting with the one's that've been notched. You can haul the ones that still need to be worked to the fire. I'll start putting things in place."

"Can we build another one?"

Joe nodded. "I was planning on it. Does the horse pull? We could build three and have all of 'em working."

"He does. He doesn't like it."

The pair worked tirelessly until Sarah called them in for breakfast. They accepted the steaming plates. Joe rolled his eyes as she prayed over the meal. He almost inhaled the food, ready to be back to work but at the same time grateful for the break.

"How's the cabin coming?"

"Joe's got a good start on the walls. We're gonna put up a few more pieces this morning then head over to the trees to see about hauling in the rest of what we have cut."

"That'll probably be the project for tomorrow. We still need to make another go-devil tonight. I wanna make a few changes to that one."

Levi nodded. "I've got a few ideas also."

Joe scraped the last of the food into his mouth and rose. "Thanks for the meal, Sarah."

"Do you really think we'll have a cabin soon?" Sarah's hopeful question reached his ears.

"Yeah. We've got about three levels in place already. I'd guess another five or so and we'll be set to put on a roof."

Joe almost skipped back to the cabin. He'd make sure she had someplace warm soon. A tent in the winter wasn't his idea of fun.

"About the go-devil. Can we change a few things?" Levi asked as he caught up.

Joe shrugged. "Probably. What you got in mind?" Joe smiled as the teen rambled through his ideas. "Let's see what we can figure out. Wanna help me with these? It'll probably take both of us to get the logs in place now. We'll set the one side and tie it in place then we'll lift the other side. That work for you?"

Levi nodded. He paused to count the logs they had left. "We'll need more."

"Yeah. Plus some rocks for the fireplace."

"What are we gonna do for the roof?"

Joe leaned against the side of the cabin. "Figured on stepping each log in a foot or so then putting a cross piece to hold it in place. Sort of like the walls. Then I figured we'd go over to the creek and get some willows and weave them into a mat with some reeds. Maybe cover that with some pine boughs. If we put the canvass from the wagons in there somewhere, we should be good this winter. We'll hafta come up with something different though. That canvass won't last forever. Plus, we could use it for too many other things."

"How 'bout we cut some sod and put it up there? On top of the willow and reed mat?"

Joe nodded. "That could work. Let's get what we have up and we'll figure out the rest."

"You think we can use the devils to pull rocks from the creek?"

"Dunno. I guess if they're big enough."

"What if we use a couple of broken barrels?"

"That'd work. Ready? One, two, three, lift." Both men groaned as the log moved into place. "Great job. Need a breather?"


"Me too. Let's see what Sarah has for lunch."

Levi laughed. "I said no."

"Yeah, but your face said otherwise." Joe clapped him on the back. "Let's get some lunch and we'll design that devil. Maybe even get a couple barrels cut down. Who knows. Maybe we'll even haul a few rocks tonight."

"Why not haul logs?"

"We'll never get out there and back before nightfall."

"We've got four more logs to put up. You sure you don't wanna do them now?"

"I'm sure. We've got plenty to do still."

Joe poured himself a drink and sat by the fire, stretching his legs out. He reached down and massaged the muscles, hoping they wouldn't cramp. Winter was always the hardest. He usually stayed where it was warm because of the severe pains that came with being cold.

"You okay, Mr. Joe?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, Sarah. What's for lunch?"

"Stew." She grinned at him. "Same as yesterday."

"My favorite," he said with a wink.

"We may need to go hunting soon," Levi said as he took a bite of the watered down stew.

Joe nodded. "Why don't you take the rifle down by the creek and see if you can find any deer. I'll stay here and work on this devil."

Levi almost spilled his plate as he leapt to his feet and grabbed the rifle.

"Don't forget your hat," Joe called.

Joe gathered his supplies and started to assemble the second sled. Sarah stayed close, handing him parts, tools and nails. "You doin' okay?" he asked when she started coughing again.

"Yeah." She nodded. "The tea helps a lot but we're almost out of honey."

Joe glanced over at her. "You like honey?"

She smiled and ducked her head. "Yeah."

"We might just need to go get a crock full. Especially if I need to doctor Grace up again."

"Her wounds look good." She ducked her head at his raised eyebrows. "I peeked this morning."

Joe's head flew up as a shot rang through the frigid air followed by two more. He chewed on his lip for a few minutes until Levi came back to camp, a huge grin stretched across his face.

"I got two. Figured we could dry some and maybe use the canvass from the other wagon to make a smoker."

Joe grinned and got to his feet. "Let's go get 'em then."

"You got that done?" Levi asked.

"All but. Just need a couple more nails."

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