Chapter 56

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Joe slipped Smith's credit card into his wallet and apologized once again for the mess.

"It's all right, sir. We've been looking for a way to ban those two from the premises. Since they started the fight, corporate won't have an issue with it. Your replacement meals will be ready in about twenty minutes."

"Replacement meals?"

"Yes. The meals to replace the ones that were ruined."

"You don't have to do that," Joe protested.

"Yes, we do."

"Can you make it an hour or so then?"

"Of course, sir."

Joe sighed as he left the building. He started walking to the church. The girls had left earlier to go change. That didn't go how I wanted it to.

The parking lot of the church was filled with cars as he approached. He grimaced, not really in the mood to be teaching anything. He paused by his truck and pulled several buckets and crates out of the back. Young men rushed out of the building and grabbed the items.

"All this goes in?" One asked.

"Yeah," Joe answered. "It all goes."

"Heard about you at the diner."

Joe's lip wrinkled in disgust. He ignored the comment and carried a heavy box inside, setting up in the gym. He placed several objects on the stage. "Are there any tables?"

"Yeah. How many do you need?"

"Two or three will do."

The boys scattered and started hauling out tables and chairs.

"How many people are we expecting?" Joe asked.

"If everyone on the roster shows up, there'll be around thirty. I think."

"Thirty?" Joe asked. "Great." He ignored the chattering crowd as he set out his props. He was stunned when he turned around to see every seat full and several people standing in the back.

Melissa stepped to the front of the room. "Welcome! We'll start with an opening prayer. Mr. Williams, if you please."

Joe rolled his eyes as he folded his arms.

After the prayer, Melissa continued, "We're honored to have Mr. Chapman join us for our presentation today. I've been told he is skilled in survival techniques. Please be kind and listen. With your mouths closed Kent. Joe," she gestured to the crowd. "They're all yours."

He nodded and started to step forward.

"We typically take hats off in buildings. It shows respect," a male voice murmured next to him.

Joe narrowed his eyes and shook his head as he stepped in front of the teenagers. "Hi. I'm Joe Chapman. Some of you know my family. I've lived here in the community all my life. I'm not LDS so I'm hoping lightning doesn't strike while I'm in the building." He waited for the laughter to die down before he continued. "Smith asked me to give this presentation. I sincerely wish I had all day to actually walk through the woods and show you some of the things I'm going to try to tell you. How many of you know how to fish?"

Hands shot into the air.

Joe grinned. "Good. How many know how to fish without a pole?" Most of the hands went down. "I'm going to show you how to build a trap using willow branches and cattail reeds." Joe worked through the presentation, showing the trap in different stages of completion. "Now, how many of you know what plants around here are edible?"

Only a few hands went up. Joe passed around several pieces of paper with plants and leaves attached. "You'll see on these papers, I've got plants' names, characteristics and what they taste like. Some of them, I really don't wanna eat but if I were starving, they'd be on the plate. We'll start with page number one." Groans filled the air. "Don't worry, there aren't that many."

"How many of you know how to tan hides?" He grinned when no one raised a hand. "Through trial and error, I learned how. I'll need a volunteer for a moment. Uh, Miss Higgins, would you step forward please?"

"What do I hafta do?" She asked as she faced him.

"Just stand here." He draped a white rabbit skin shawl over her shoulders. "I made this out of the rabbits I trapped this winter. It's very soft and warm. It has a hood to keep the snow off."

Ashley drew the hood over her head.

Joe's heart stopped as he saw Grace again in the tiny cabin on Christmas morning. He swallowed hard and blew out a breath and turned away from her before continuing. "I also learned how to make moccasins out of deer hide." He glanced at the clock. "We only have a short time left so I'm gonna cover the different shelters you could make. Thank you Miss Higgins." He pinpointed teepees, lean-to's, wikiups, and cabins. "Each shelter would depend on what resources you have on hand and how long you'd be staying in one place. Again, this is one of the places I'd love to show you what I mean outside. That about wraps up what I have. Any questions?"

He grinned as hands shot in the air. He answered all the questions patiently. The last one stunned him.

"Mr. Chapman, why don't you take off your hat?"

Joe pursed his lips and looked at his boots before meeting the young woman's eyes. "It's mainly for personal reasons. If I leave it on, there are fewer shocked looks, mean comments and glares." He swept the hat from his head. "As you can see, I've got some pretty gnarly scars. When I was about your age, I was attacked by a bear. He left me with these." He held his hat in his hands, waiting for a response, any response. Joe looked up, meeting Smith's smiling nod across the room. "That's all I have. Thank you."

He stepped out of the room as Melissa once again addressed the young people. Smith met him in the hallway. "That was excellent."

Joe dug the Visa out of his wallet. "Here's your card. There was a bit of a problem after you left."

"I heard. It came over the scanner," Smith said with a grin. "Are you staying for refreshments?"

"I guess. I need to haul out my stuff."

"I'll help ya."

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