Chapter 48

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Joe slammed a fist on the desk. Every single pin on the board had been replaced with a black one. He'd added pins when he found something. "Why can't I find even one portal?"

He turned and stalked through the mud and melting snow. The door slammed shut behind him. He ducked into the bathroom and looked behind the mirror, trying to find a bottle of pain killers. He grinned as he read the label on the hydrocodone. It wouldn't knock him out, but it sure would take the edge off. He closed the mirror and shook a pill into his hand. He glanced into the mirror and did a double-take as he thought he saw Levi's face instead of his own. Levi's words echoed through his mind. "You're a different man now than when we met you."

Joe swallowed hard and looked into his haunted eyes. Not liking what he saw, he dropped the tablet into the bottle and returned it to the medicine cabinet. He turned away, refusing to look himself in the eye.

He fumbled for his truck keys then headed back outside, hoping his truck would start. He slipped the key into the ignition and grinned when it growled to life.

"Well, Yoda, let's go get something to drink."

The truck responded to his every request. Joe realized it had been almost six months since he'd driven. Fields full of new calves whipped by as he drove to town. His tires sunk into a pot hole as he pulled into the liquor store. The bell tinkled merrily as he walked inside. The bottles glistened in the artificial light.

"What can I help you with?"

"I - uh - I need some whiskey."

"What kind?"

Joe shrugged. "Don't much matter, I guess. The good stuff."

The cashier narrowed his eyes. "Are you even old enough to drink?"


He shook his head and pointed out the different brands available.

Joe's head started to spin. "I'll take a couple bottles of that, some fireball, vodka and a six pack of beer."

"What kind of beer?"

"What's your favorite?" Joe asked.

"I don't actually drink."

Joe wrinkled his nose. "Why do you work here?"

"Steady paycheck."


"This one or this one seem to be the most popular."

"I'll take one of each."

"Like two bottles or two six packs?"

"Six packs."

The register beeped as the sale was entered. "Now I'll need your ID."

Joe fumbled in his wallet and produced the card. He almost choked when he heard the total.

"Drinking is an expensive habit."

Joe shrugged. "I guess."

"Most people regret starting," the man said as he put the bottles in the bag.

Joe glared at him. "Most people mind their own business." Joe scooped up the bags and walked out.

"Don't drink and drive."

"I'm not that stupid," Joe muttered. He set the drinks on the floorboard next to him and drove to the hardware store. He wandered down the aisles until he found what he was looking for. He fingered several different ropes, unsure which one to pick. He looped several around his arm and tied knots over and over again.

"Can I help you, sir?"

Joe turned, startled at the intrusion. "Uh. Yeah. What's the strength on this one?"

"If you're looking for strength, I'd go with this one. It's tough and durable. I've yet to see it break and I use it everywhere."

Joe nodded. "I'll take a hundred feet of that."

"If you want fifty more feet, you can get a whole box for a lot cheaper."

Joe shrugged. "That'd work."

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