▽ Chapter 11.75

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Lmao, so this is going to be my last update for the day (6/18) I've had 4 chapter updates for today (chapters 10-11.75) so be sure you've read & commented & voted on all of them :) This is another short chapter which is why it's entitled 11.75. This is going to be my last mini chapter for a while lol, promise.

May 6th 2013 | 6:56 PM

Adrienne and Janelle’s Apartment


                I checked myself over in the mirror one more time before my phone rang. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

“Whaddup.” It was Michael.

“Nothing much, just getting ready to go out.” I said absent-mindedly.

“Oh with Chelsea and them?”

“No with Jay.”

“Who?” Holy shit, I wasn’t trying to tell him that I started talking to Jay again.


“Jaylen as in Jaylen the nigga you were crying over because he called you out your name?”

“… Yeah, he sent me all this stuff at my job saying how sorry he was and we just started talking again.”

“So you goin’ on a date?”

“Um yeah.”

“Okay so… am I just imagining this or did you say you weren’t ready to date.”

“No… I did say that.”

“But you’re goin’ on a date with him.”


“So am I missing something?”

“… No Ty.” I was beginning to become lost for words.

“I don’t understand how you get back with a nigga who violated you but you won’t even give me, someone whose done no wrong to you, a chance.”

“It’s not that, I just thi—“

“I mean if you don’t like me like that Janelle that was all you had to say.”

“I do—I mean I don’t know Michael. I wasn’t tryna mess up our friendship, it’s weird when you cross that line.”

“But I was willing to take that chance with you. FOR you.”

“But… I’m not over Jay and that would be unfair to be thinking of someone else when I was out with you.”

“You don’t even see how wrong this nigga was to you. I know he apologized but really Nelle, this guy is full of shit.”

“Everyone makes mistakes Ty.” My voice was getting hoarse and I felt tears coming.

“Not me. I wouldn’t dare fuck up what I would have with you… or would have had.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Yeah I am too. Look, just forget I ever asked you out or anythin’ ‘cause I guess I’m the only one who cared.”

“No Michael, I do care. I’m sorry I jus—.” He cut me off when he hung up on me. I feel so empty. I know that Michael was the better choice but I didn’t want to complicate everything. For one, he is having crazy ass baby mama drama. Two, I didn’t want to get way way way too close to King only for his father and I to break up later down the line. Three, Michael is Tyga—a rapper; I feel the same way I did when I met him that night, rappers are only about getting one thing and even if Mikey does like me more than that in the long run, some shit will happen. He’ll slip up and I’ll feel terrible because not only did he fuck us over, but I knew it would happen. With Jaylen, it’s different. He’s knew to the game so I don’t think he’d be all brass and obnoxious like these other ball players are. I know he crossed the line once but he’s apologized profusely and I mean, why not just forgive him. I had feelings for Jay first so it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t see where our relationship could go. I turned back to the mirror and wiped the stray tear that was rolling down my cheek just in time for the doorbell to ring. I grabbed my purse and made my way to the door. When I opened the door Jaylen was holding a beautiful bouquet of roses just like the ones he got for me earlier. I can’t lie and say I wasn’t excited to see him, because I was.

“These are for you.” He handed me the flowers and I thanked him. “I missed you so much Janelle.”

I pursed my lips for a moment then said, “I missed you too.” He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and it just fell right.

“I’m not gunna lose you again, okay?” He pulled back from me and looked into my eyes.

“Okay.” He licked his lips then gave me the most passionate kiss we’ve ever shared.

He looked at me again and then he hesitantly said, “I love you.”

Can you say shocked?


Woooooooooooo, nothing much to say.

1. How sad was that little argument :(

2. Do you think Tyga should stay mad at Janelle?

3. So Janelle and Jay are back together... any comments?

Thank you for reading once again :) Fan|Vote|Comment TELL YO' FRIENDS TO READ MY BOOK :D Lmao I appreciate you guys so much ♥


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