▽ Chapter 27

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August 19th 2014 |10:13 AM

Flushing Meadows Mental Rehabilitation Center


I opened the door to Chyna's room and just studied her. Everything about her looked different. She didn't have any piercings in, she was wearing her natural hair and she got a little skinnier. In my opinion, she looked better than before. 

"Thanks for seeing me Ty." She said as she gestured to the seat across from her.

"Yeah well, I figured you'd stop writing if I came." I sat down and looked at her.

"I jut feel like I haven't seen anyone from the outside in forever."

"That's cause no one wants to deal with your crazy ass."

She pursed her lips, trying to find the right thing to say, "Anyways... you didn't bring my son?"

"Nah. He didn't wanna see you and I wasn't tryna take him anyways, I don't want you around him ever again."

"Why not?"

"Look what you did Chyna. You hurt someone badly and you killed the baby that was inside of her."

"I didn't mean to..."

"Bulllshit man."

"Even though I hurt her, I would never do anything like that to my son. Please Ty, I just wanna see him."

"You really think I'd let you? No one believes a word you say man. Whether you wanna believe it or not, you're a fucking murderer and I wouldn't want my son to ever see you again. He knows exactly what you did and he feels the same way that I do. It's a damn shame that he can't see his mother again but then again, who's fault is that?"

"Look I'm sorry! What do you want me to do? Apologize to the girl?"

I shook my head, "She ain't gon talk to you. She don't even talk to me anymore, she's gone."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that after she lost the baby she broke up with me and left to go to New York and she hasn't spoken to me since."

Her eyes lit up, "So does that mean we have a chance?"

"The fuck you mean?"

"I miss you."

"You're fucking psycho man. Before you said that we should stay friends for the sake of King and that's what we did. I finally found a good woman and you literally pushed her out of my arms. I was having a good ass life with my girlfriend, my child and expecting my second then you fucked all that up."

"I'm sorry." She said but I knew she didn't mean it.

"You're not forgiven." I stood up from the table and opened the door, walking out, "and you never will be."


That was the last chapter guys! Thank you all for reading, commenting and voting! It all really means a lot to me (:

I am making a sequel & I'm gunna post it when this story reaches 10k reads or until I feel you guys have waited long enough! 

If you wanna be in the next story, go to my profile -> my works and click on my cast call. I'll be deciding who I want in the next few days so hurry!!

Once again, Fan|Comment|Vote

Love you guys ♥♥

Thanks for reading (;


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