▽ Chapter 14

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July 22nd 2013 | 9:09 AM

Ortega House


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I said, “Come in,” and Janelle opened the door carrying a tray of breakfast foods. She handed the tray to me then sat next to me in bed. She grabbed a piece of bacon and nibbled on it. “I made you breakfast.” She said.

“I see that. Thank you ma.”

“Mhm.” She nodded, grabbing for a banana she put on the tray.

“How long you been up?”

“For like an hour. I just decided to do something nice for you.” She smiled.

“You do this for your man?”

She nodded again, “All the time. He just doesn’t say thank you.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know, I guess he thinks it’s just something that I should be doing anyways.”

I grabbed a fork and started eating my eggs. “Why are you with him Janelle?”

She chuckled then said, “I swear, everyone thinks I’m in a terrible relationship.”

“Not even tryna sound rude but that’s what it looks like.”

“When it’s just me and him, everything is perfect. He treats me okay and that’s all I need.”

“Janelle, that’s not all you need. If you’re gunna be with someone, they should be treating you like you’re their princess. Every time you say you’re doing well or you and him are doing okay I cringe because that’s bullshit. I’m not saying you’re lying I’m just saying that it’s bullshit because being with someone should be more than ‘good’ or better than ‘okay’.”

“It’s better than okay when it’s just us two though.”

“Look, I know that a relationship is idealistically between two people but it’s more than that. You know that it involves other people. His opinions about your friends matter and vice versa. I mean you can’t be totally happy if one or both don’t like each other.”

“That’s not true…”

“You know it is Jah. I mean, does he know I’m staying with you?”


“And what if he did?”

“He would flip out on me.”

“I mean do you think that sounds healthy?”


“I mean if anything, you didn’t have to let me stay here, that would’ve saved you from stressing.”

“I’m not stressing Mikey. I wanted you to stay here.” She sipped on some orange juice.


“You’re my friend and Jaylen is just going to have to grow and realize that’s what you are to me.”

“Some would say he’s threatened by me.”

She shrugged then put the tray down on an end table and cuddled up next to me. “I guess, there’s no reason for it though.”

“True.” I put my arms around her and felt at ease. The only thing that would’ve made this better is if she was mine, in my arms. “So what you doin’ today?”

“I’m finally picking up my dresses from the shop.” She cheered, “I’m so hyped for this, I’m probably more excited than Kayla is. Wanna come with me?”

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