▽ Chapter 25

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December 31st | 9:00 AM


Three days. That's how long they say I was in that coma. Since then, I've been filled with emptiness--literally and figuratively; Alanna Nicole is gone, yes they told me it would've been a girl, and every time someone's tried to talk to me, I just couldn't bring myself to speak words. Everyone's here now: my family, friends, old coworkers and even Michael but I couldn't allow him to see me. I feel so bad knowing that I was carrying his child and I couldn't even protect it. Sometimes I wish that I hadn't met him because I woudn't have been swept up in all of his craziness but then again, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to carry his child. 

Today we were supposed to be in Times Sqaure acting like cheesy tourists and watching the balldrop but I'm still here in LA, in so much pain, emotionally and physically and I just don't even know what to do or how to feel. I feel like a stranger in my own body, I feel like I'm being watched by everyone, I feel crazy to be quite honest. Crazy because when I woke up and looked on the television, I saw me. Crazy because when asked to comment on my being, Michael lashed out on the poparazzi.

The nurse walked in with a tray of food and placed in on a rollable table. She moved it up ot me and said, "Good morning Ms. Ortega." I gave her a weak smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Bad." She looked up at me, surprised that I spoke. "How long?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"How long... am I supposed to feel like this?"

"Post-partum depression is normal in situations like this."

"No!" I shouted, "How is this post-partum if I didn't even have my child. It's gone-- she's gone. I have nothing now."

"Ms. Ortega, please calm down."

"How am I supposed to calm down? Do you see this?" I lifted up my hospital gown to show my long ass scar, "This isn't supposed to happen." I pointed to the drab-colored flowers that were lined up all around the room, "No one my age should have all these sympathy flowers. This is all bullshit."

"Ms. Ortega, please calm down." She repeated as she pressed some button.

"No I'm not gunna calm down! I'm... I... I..." I studdered as more medicine entered my body through the IV. I guess since she couldn't calm me down, the meds would. "I'm sorry." I muttered. I really was, she was just doing her job and I was going off like some ratchet.

"It's okay, you have visitors, would you like to see any?"

I took the lid off the yogurt and shook my head, "Not really, no."

"You're gunna have to see them sometime hun."

I sighed then ate a scoop of raspberry yogurt, "Are my parents here?"


"They can come in I guess."

"Alright," She popped a smile, "I'll send them in."

I stared at the television until my parents entered. My dad ran over to me and kissed me on the forehead, "Janelle, mi hija, I've been so worried about you! I nearly had a heart attack when I found out about what happened, how are you feeling sweetheart?"

"I'm okay daddy." I looked over at my mother who was profusely crying. "Mami, please stop crying, you're gunna make me cry."

"I'm sorry Janelle, I'm just upset that you were hurt and the baby was gone. I didn't even know you were pregnant mija."

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