Broken Girl (Chase Davenport fan fiction)

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Emily's POV

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Ugh stupid alarm. I pressed the snooze button and almost fell back asleep. Keyword : ALMOST. My mom dumped a bucket of freezing cold ice water on me. When I say ice water, it literally had ice in it. "Get up you waste of space!" said my mom. I should probably tell you my story. When I was 10, my dad died from cancer and my mom resorted to drinking. When she was drunk she would abuse me, and when she was sober she would verbally abuse me. I developed depression and started cutting myself, since I was 10. When my friends, which I no longer have, started suspecting something I pushed them all away. My thoughts were broken when my mom screamed "Get ready for school before I drag you there!". Oh, did I mention I was starting a new school today, Mission Creek High School. I have never even heard of it. Wish me luck.

***Skips getting ready***

- At School -

When I walked into school, I knew I was gonna get lost because it was so big. I had to go to the office first, and luckily it was right near the interance. I couldn't help but notice a really bubbly girl talking to some guys. Whatever, I have things to deal with now, and its not like anyone will ever notice me. After the office lady gave me my schedule, I went to my locker and opened it. Wow, everything I needed was already here ( Remind you of a old disney show? If it does tell me in the comments!). I looked on my schedule and saw that I have math first, ugh I hate math. Of course, I got lost on my way, and ended up on the other side of school. Then, one of the boys the bubbly girl was talking  to came and said "Need some help finding your way around?". He was decent looking, but I was smart enough to know not to develop a crush on him, after all, no one wants a broken girl. I realized I hadn't replied when I said "S- sure.". Dang i'm stuttering. He chuckled and said " What class do you have?". "Math" I replied blankly. Yay no stuttering! He grinned then said "So do I! Follow me.". I did as I was told and as soon as I walked into the classroom the teacher, who I soon learned was Mrs.Witterman ( I made that name up, if its your last name then.... YOUR FAMOUS NOW :D) said "Oh! Look our new student, Emily Patternson (Same case with this name, but I sorta based it off a good friend of mine's name). Come intruduce youself!". Great. TONS of sarcasm there. The boy who walked me here, I still don't know his name, noticed I wasn't happy and shot me a look of sympathy. He probably did this to. I slowly walked to the front of the room and barely waved, and whispered "hi." under my breath. "You can sit next to Chase. Chase, please raise your hand." Mrs.Witterson said. The boy raised his hand, and it was surprisingly the boy who walked me here. Coincidence. I say down next to him, and he whispered "At least you sit next to some one you know." and smiled at me. I didn't wanna seem bitter, so I smiled a small smile back. I looked at the front of the room and waited for this to be over. 

***skips to end of math class*** 

The bell rang and I was glad math was over, but the teacher was nice. As I was leaving I made sure to flash her a small smile to let her know I liked her, and she smiled back, a bit more brightly than me. When I got into the hallway, Chase hurried over to me. Wow, I never thought some one would want to be near me. He said "What is your next class?". I replied with a simple "English.".  For a second he looked sad, but it quickly faded away and he said "I have Science, but the room right there is English.". I looked to where he pointed, and it was right across the hall. "Thank you." I said with a small smile. He smiled back and started heading off to his class. He was nice, I thought. Then I noticed the girl he was talking to before walk in the classroom. Oh great. Note the sarcasm.  I walked in the room, and the same thing happened with this teacher, Mr.Barberson.  I had to sit next to that girl, I learned her name was Bree.  She talked most of the class, when finally Mr.Barberson shut her up. Man shes annoying. I learned that Chase is her brother, she also has a brother named Adam, one of her best friends is some boy named Leo, and I learned every boy problem she had. She was nice though, just a little talkative. When the bell rang, she jumped up and nearly pushed me into the hall. She squealed and said "Lets have you meet my friends!". I didn't even have a choice because she pushed me over to them. She pointed to Chase and said "This is Chase, who you've already met." Then she pointed to a really tall guy who was smiling big, and she said "Thats Adam. He isn't the brightest."  Then she pointed to a boy who looked about nine and said "Thats Leo. He.... is Leo.". Wow. Leo looked offended and said "Hey! You can't say ANYTHING about me?!?!" I could sense his anger. Bree said " Well you play with dolls.". At that, everyone cracked up but me, but I did give a small smile. Leo said "They're action figures!" Bree said "Yeah, right.". Then Adam spoke up and said "What is your next class?". I looked on my schedule and said "Health". Adam got a mixture between a super excited and a phyco face and said "So do I!". Just then the bell rang, and Adam literally dragged me to Health. Wow he has a strong grip. I winced a little, because he pressed down on my cuts from a week ago, but he didnt notice. When we walked in, just like all my other teachers, Mrs.Carloman made me intoduce myself.  She said I could sit next to Adam. Okay, this is just freaky. I sat next to him, and he seemed pretty happy.

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