Chapter 3

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Smoke rose from the other side of the trees, dominating the sky with its dark swirling masses. With each passing second, it crawled over more territory eating it whole. The sun that was always so prominent was no longer emanating its glorious rays. When it came time for me to inhale, the smoke slithered its way along with oxygen into my body, not only leaving a gritty ash taste in my mouth but also attacking my lungs. As my lungs filled with the poisonous attacker, I was doubling over in a coughing spree trying to expel the horrid substance. Everything within me spoke of the evident danger, but my curiosity got the best of me.

Without a moment's hesitation, I scaled the land to reach the source causing such a foul and unfamiliar day. Branches and thorns snapped against my skin, ripping the flesh and tearing my clothes. Along the terrain were rock and glass that snagged the sides and bottom of my feet, leaving behind a trail of blood. A mixture of ash and dirt was kicked around and coated my very being, which changed the hue of my design to a darker color. Yet, as I came upon the opening of the trees and saw what was unfolding, none of that matter.

The truth of what was occurring opened my eyes to what I could have never thought possible was indeed possible. We were a little village hidden so far away from civilization. Throughout a years time, there would possibly be five visitors, if that. Therefore, when I saw that my home was basically a bonfire for our attackers, I was filled with rage and sorrow. They were laughing and smiling as the villagers wallowed in their misfortune. For the majority of the people, it was devastation. As if my life were in grave danger, I sprinted throughout the streets. Even with the shortcuts, I had to avoid flames as they flickered to life trying to latch onto my skin. Every once in a while, a couple would simmer against my body leaving behind a dark patch of skin that it was eating.

Upon each house was a deathly beauty of colors. The fire engulfed the walls and ceilings, licking anything in its path to destroy. Deep amber, almost livid purple, flared to life in my eyes. Such a captivating element that seemed to place a trance on those who observed its life. Everywhere, the oppressive heat had spread and the sparks flew closely behind snagging any object or person they could. This fire had one intent, destruction.

Finally making it to the other side of the village, I saw that it was worse off. The rich green grass was chard. Any surplus was destroyed. People were laying against one another crying and screaming for their loved ones. Within this section was my home, my safety, my only family. Charging around the familiar pathways, I came upon the two-story building where I had made my residence for three years. With hunger clawing at the doorway, my only entrance was through the window. Yet, it was locked shut. Quickly, I closed my eyes and bolted to the glass barrier. As I hurtled myself forward, I could hear the crack as the material shattered. In its trail, it left behind shards that severed in the air from falling debris. Among this, a sharp pain flared in my shoulder.

"Someone, help!" The voice I have come to raise and love shouted in the far distance became enough to distract my senses.  Continuing on throughout the house, I searched throughout any room that he could have possibly been. When the next call for help came, it was faint.

Knowing the only possibility was for him to be upstairs, I rushed up each step taking two at a time. Somewhere along the way, I messed up and my foot slipped. As I fell, one of the steps caved in swallowing my ankle whole with its sharp teeth. While the rigid points dug into my tendons, I felt my ankle jerk to the side. Instinctively, I let out a hiss in pain.

"Help." The voice was weak and dying by the second. I had to move quicker if I was to make it. At this moment, I had a gut feeling that something far worse was about to happen; however, I disregarded it and let my defense fall.

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