Chapter 17

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Black has finally become envious of the colorful world, returning it to its empty state through my perception of sight. If not for my other senses, then the world would be empty, nothing but space. I would have thought to have been dead. Relinquishing any thoughts of what my surroundings may look like, I turned to honing in on my other four senses. The smell of the room hit me as soon as I tried to rely on my nose. It was sickening and I couldn't help but gag at the pungent scent as it overwhelmed me. When I attempted to block the acrid aroma of sweat and oil, it became so thick and cloying, that it seemed to permeate my clothing. I could feel every drop slither against my skin to escape.

"Give her the last injection, then take off the blindfold." It was the same person from before. His voice was calm and almost thrilled.

A flat piece of thick material was wrapped around my biceps. As it was tied, the material pinched at my skin. The restraint was pulled tighter prohibiting my arms from moving. Whoever was pulling the straps moved away and now all I heard was a constant hum and voices whispering. Suddenly, a sharp poke pierced both arms as they dug their way deeper into my muscle. They were releasing fluids, that made my arms tender. One of the needles seemed to have made my body weak; I could barely squeeze my hand into a fist. While the other I had no clue. The blindfold slipped away and the first thing I saw was the needle on my left arm as it injected what little was left of the silver mix.

"Will it work?" A shabby guy with oval shaped spectacles questioned while looking at a clipboard. On his lab coat, there was a faded name tag: Bryan.

However, while Bryan was distracted with the papers he was looking through, the man I was well too familiar with came closer. "It already has." He wore a malicious smile. Looking down to where his gaze was focused, my body tensed. My veins trying to bulge their way out of the skin as silver snaked around inside. I watched the trail it made as it climbed further leaving behind a bright substance wherever it traveled. My mind was growing fuzzy and my eyelids became heavy.

"Soon my child."

The darkness caved in.


Dark. It's too dark mommy.

Shhh. It's okay sweetie I'm here.

They'll get me.They'll hurt me.

No, they won't


Mommy, who is she? Why is she staring at us? Mommy?


Relax sweetie. You'll be okay. The more you fight, the harder it will be.

"Where am I? It's so dark."

Just relax and you'll be fine.

"That girl is me."

Close your eyes and sleep. Let me help you.

Why are you talking to that girl mommy? Is she nice.

Shh, close your eyes.


"King Eli, has she bonded?"

"Yes Bryan, she is the key."

"How do we control her?"

"We don't."

King Eli

I watched as Ariyah writhed in pain trying to figure out what she should do. Her fists clenching tightly as her nails dug into her palms. Small whimpering sounds escaping between the small gaps her lips provided. All kinds of emotions crawled across her face.She was fighting with the injections, but she was too weak.

The alarm for intruders was going off and I could not afford for anyone to mess things up now when I was so close. "Release her, then go find the trespassers and lock them up."

As the leather was unbuckled one by one, her petite frame slumped forward. When the one across her waist was pulled away, a loud thud indicated she hit the floor. I watched her motionless form, waiting for her to awaken. Though the results were taking longer than I would have liked, I knew they were working in my favor. That is, they were until the door flew open with my guard being flung across the room.


A voice resonated from an unknown source that I could not find. It echoed as if it were bouncing off of walls inside an empty room, repeating the same words. I was left feeling constricted and damaged.

It's dark in here. I can't see anything.

You don't need to see.

"That voice, you're back."

Let me help you. Trust me and you will be safe.

"Why should I?"

Because I never abandoned you.

I froze and took the words into consideration. The voice was right. When I needed people the most, I was always alone. Everyone else had someone when they were in struggling times or even in danger, but I was rejected as usual. Among them was even Kerala. The one who was supposed to be with me through everything regardless; yet, I still have not heard from her.

I tried to command my muscles, but they didn't even flex. This body was too weak for me. No matter how much I tried to strengthen it, I was still too weak to even accomplish the simplest of tasks.

Just give yourself to me and I will grant you everything you desire.

In the pure darkness where I felt the loneliest, was where I belonged. I welcomed the darkness to cave in. Curling into a ball, I hugged my knees to my chest as I was comforted by invisible arms. The darkness brought me safety and a sense of freedom where I could be whoever I wanted. There was nothing to fear or even sadden me.

You're not alone.

All this body knows how to do is stare. Deep within it is a sense of sorrow that infiltrates every emotion and prevents happiness. The shell that I was encased in grew darker and colder.

Trust me.

Trust is what I did. I gave myself to the voice and allowed it to take over. Then, my world froze and I know longer existed.

Stay dead forever Ariyah.



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