Chapter 13

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The foul odor burned my nose as I inhaled, causing the bridge to wrinkle. Due to the wretched taste consuming my mouth, my eyes were squinted shut. The ache so deep in my chest was giving birth to shivers that control my body's movement. Every drop of alcohol I consumed only dulled my sense leaving me in a weakened state. Yet, it was what I needed to leave behind the past and live. Sadly, it lasts only momentarily for wolves.

Behind my was a loud banging noise. When I turned around, I watch a lamp fall and shatter across the floor. Ariyah filled the room with giggles as she failed to grab it. Unlike the rest of us, she was easily tempted and intoxicated by the worldly ale that mere mortals imbibe. Since we were not humans, if we watched how much we had then we were fine; however, she seemed to have overdosed. Also, due tot he loss of her wolf, she has become more human. Regardless if that were her intentions or not, it seems to have eased her stress.

There were a couple of guys who hosted a party and we were invited. Just like me, Ariyah needed an escape. At first, we stayed together and drank a little, but then we split up. I didn't think much of it in the beginning, so I was hanging out with Kale. They had loud music and balloons bouncing around in the air. People spread out on the furniture and even the lawn making out. When we first arrived, Ariyah looked as though she were in utter disgust. After a while, I saw her dancing and laughing. She looked like she was having a good time until I found her pressed against the rail on the staircase.That was when we decided it was time to leave for the night.

Since we made it back to the village, Ariyah has done nothing but speak her mind and smile. She seemed different but happy. However, this Ariyah was not the one I came to know and trust, but I was not going to up and abandon her. When I was alone, she was there for me. Now, I need to be there for her.

Ariyah's face was stained with a tint of red  and her hair was tangled in a mess. Even in this state, she was magnificent. I have come to adore and look up to her as our time together grew in our prisons. She removed her heels and threw them down on the cracked concrete and sighed. Her face looked contented with the new found release of pressure on her feet. While movements were off and she staggered around, she laughed at nothing. Something told me she enjoyed this freedom. She was running around with her arms out flapping them like they were wings.

"I wish I could fly."

Her sudden announcement struck me as odd. Since she was part of the Xylia race, she should have that ability. Although she was different she still carried the genes.  While there were hybrids, she was unique and a one of a kind. If we had any hybrids, one part was always human. Then again, there have been more races experimenting to discover other's advantages and disadvantages. As Ariyah continued to flap around and chuckle, I realized that I was going to need more help.

"Can't you fly?" I asked her, puzzled.

She looked at me with humor and began laughing. "No silly." Clutching her side as though she laughed too much, she gave me a pending look as though the question was absurd. "I was human for as long as I can remember, well before that man came anyways." With that, she turned and started spinning.

"Kale, can you do me a favor?" I questioned with the phone to my ear after he answered on the third ring. Sheesh, could you answer any slower? 

"What kind of favor?"

"I need you to help me with Ariyah." I looked up to check on her and Ariyah was still spin with a smile.

For a while, I was met with silence on the other end of the phone, listening to the static as I watched Ariyah. Standing there, I could see that she was truly happy. There was not an ounce of regret, sorrow, or even anger. For the past month and a half, Ariyah was brooding to herself in the training quarters. She would put herself through rigorous training exercises. There were even times that she would return to the hut in nothing but exhaustion. Since that night when we were rescued, Ariyah has not spoke once about what happened in the cabin. People have asked numerous times what it was like and how she came to the conclusion to protect me, but she never answered anyone. There has been no talk with her about those months. Especially now, she has had no communication with Kerala and it devastated her. I watched as she sunk into depression and I could see it in her eyes that she felt rejected. There was something more that gave her that feeling besides her losing her wolf. To the people of the town, they see her as weak and worthless, but she keeps trying.

"I'll be there soon."

I hung up the phone and waited. She is all too mysterious and unpredictable. There were moments that she would be perfectly fine and within seconds, she is on the ground in immense pain. At first, we had reason to believe that it was her mate because she was indeed a wolf. Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped. We no longer believe it is the mate bond, but we also have no idea what it is.

3:47 A.M.

I groaned as I realized how much time has elapsed. Now that I was not in my world of thoughts, I realized that it had become quiet. Frantic, I looked around the empty street. Against the same lamp post that she used earlier for support after spinning around, Ariyah was curled in a ball watching the stars. Instinctively, I sat down beside her.

"Have you ever felt like you were not meant to live the way you were living?"

I looked at her in shock. "No, I have never felt that way." There was something about the look in her eyes that drew me in. It was like they were open doors trying to beg me to walk in.

She smirked. "Majority of the people do not have to feel that way. I know that right now I am dreaming."


Watched her chest sink as she exhaled with a light smile. "I am a weapon living in luxury. Here, I do not have to fight or even figure out who I am. When I leave, I will have to wake up and open my eyes to the truth of reality.:

"You can make reality a home here."

"It is too dark for me to be saved now. The light abandoned my chance of knowing what it is like to be awoken; thus, after this dream, I will go back to my nightmare." Her words were slowing and I could see her head start to nod. When I looked over to her, she was asleep with her head slouched forward. Only, I was left in too much shock that she had revealed something about her life.



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