Chapter 23

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I had to escape and prove that I would not just leave the ones I love behind to fight my battle. They would never survive and I could not allow their existence to be wiped clean. They had a purpose and if no one else was going to step in then I was going to.

Upon the sky above my head
I pray to the infinite stars
Each one a soul of the dead
A strength to aid the weak
My foolish voice does speak
Filled with undeserving words
They beckon out to you
Grant the strength and desire
The compassion for those who abandoned you
For I am still here
I will be your message
To my mighty gods
The ones who destroy all things
I pray to you
Lead me from the highest heavens
Down to the deepest hell
Grant the almighty and divine power to my body
Let me become your vessel

"Why?" A thunderous voice shook the world with which I stood on. This false façade was enough to give me peace of remaining where I was, but I could not abandon my duties. The trees vibrated in the wind. Rocks jerked around colliding into one another. This was a place between the knowing and the unknowing. A cross between the living and the dead. "Why should a mere child such as yourself be the one we choose to give another chance?" His voice over powered the vibration deafening my ears. It was enough to know his power and claim on the world.

With new found courage, I stood my ground and replied. "I am not one who is deserving, but I am one that carries truth. I stand to protect, not destroy. I seek not power to rule, but to save. I seek not love. Nor do I seek you for my purpose. I seek you as a last resort to protect the ones I love."

There was a scoff to my right that was followed by a chuckle. "Someone as rude as you." It was the voice of a female that broke my thoughts. "Psh. Why call if all you are going to be is a brat? Learn some manners." She was staring deep and hard into my soul. "We have watched you and gave you plenty of chances, but you never amounted to anything." She was right. I had always allowed people to push me over and use me. There was always something about protecting others that made me weak. When I looked back at her, she was smiling as though she knew something but the scowl she carried started to fade.

"Shush Athena." She sat with her head held high and full of grace. I looked towards Athena. Her eyes radiated pure hatred and boredom, but something different. "Carry on child."

"I call because my body is weak. However, my desire is strong. In the world where I live, I am seen as nothing. In comparison, it would be as though I demanded your position Zeus."

"That is preposterous. What makes you think we would do anything for you? You are merely a human." Another God interrupted me. This time, their eyes held hatred and disgust. After looking at him, I backed up some. There were others that joined in and started laughing at me, but I started shivering. No matter what happed, I could not control myself.

"There are many I want to save and if I am correct, the Gods and Goddesses have their own children on Earth." A few gasps filled the room. There were murmurs everywhere, but too quiet for me to make out any words. "Command me as your warrior."

"You are already dead." Athena was speaking again, but her words were different. "Now, it would be different if you believed." Something about what she said delivered underlying words. She was hinting at something, but what. What would I need to believe in? I had the people close to me who believe I will protect them from the dangers that crawl the world. I have the strength that is believed to be a pawn. I even have Kerala who believes we can fight this Hell. "Do you believe in yourself?" Even with the slightest suspicion, I was still surprised. Did I believe in myself? I had always done what people told me and if I failed, I continued to work at the goal until it was achieved. Yet, I never thought about whether I was about to do the things I wanted because I believed.

"Give me a chance." I pleaded one last time with a sigh. "I will show you who I am and what I am capable of. Then, I will give myself over to you."

"How do we know to trust your words? You humans are prone to lying."

"As are you immortal beings." I retaliated with such strength laced on my words.

He bellowed out with laughter and there was an intriguing gleam in his eyes. "I like this one. She is feisty." After his laughing ended he nodded.

"Zeus, you cannot be serious about this proposal." Poseidon spoke up.

He looked at me gently from his towering height and smiled. "Last chance, but remember your words." I smiled in relief knowing that I had another chance to save the people I love, the innocent and the damned. The almighty people I've cursed for enslaving me with a life of torture and sorrow have proved to be my closest saviors. A warmth hugged my cheeks and when I touched the sensation, I realized they were tears. This is my chance.

"One last piece of advice." My concentration shattered. Suddenly, a shrunken form appeared before me. "While I am giving you another chance, I am not giving you any of our strength. You have your own that is enough if you just believed."

"Thank you." Instinctively, I gave him a hug.

He leaned forward and brushed a kiss along my forehead. "Don't weigh your pride against what is right." His words rang through my body leaving a trail of fluttery relaxation. The sensation was overwhelming and energized, but at the same time, calming. As I was fading from the spectacular realm, his words were barely loud enough for me to hear.

"I will come for you."



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