Chapter 12

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My head throbbed and my eyes glazed over. Instead of looking at a bunch of people standing before me, I was in a whole different place.

The dark clouds swirling about began to direct the storm to the castle. Rapidly, they ate away the sun. The light patting of the rain increased and the hectic wind blew.

"Mommy, Cerin won't play with me." A light voice called out.

Rushing into her mother's arms, her mother laughed. "How about we play a game?"

"What a good idea." A deep voice interrupted their happiness.

Ariyah suddenly coward into her mother's arms.



Their voices filled with love and happiness, but also confussion. He was supposed to be in a meeting with some of the warriors. However, it seemed the king had other intentions. Ariyah felt the tug on her body. Every inch of her being taken over. She watched as her body moved and committed the worse actions she couldn't even think of.

"I killed my mother." I clearly stated. With that, I removed my straddling position and stood on my own feet before the woman. Some of the people looked confused, others looked away. The ones that looked away knew what happened, I could see it in their expressions. She resembled her in every way. The beauty and the sound of her voice. Her soft skin and large wings. She couldn't be.

"We can discuss this later. For now, let's get to safety." She commanded.

Casey took my hand and smiled. "Thank you." That was the last I heard before I saw her fall to four legs and covered in brown fur. I debated on following them or returning home. While I had a stronger urge to return home, but I knew I was far too weak to travel alone. Especially with the sun setting and the rogues that ran wild. Submitting to their hopes, I released the endorphins in my body hoping they would ease the pain as my body changed. However, I wasn't fully capable of controlling my will. My senses increased but I was not the beast I was able to become.

Looking up, Casey held panic.



There was no answer.


That was when I realized that she has been gone for a while now. I knew that we were not speaking frequently like in the beginning, but I didn't know she would leave.

"Sweetie? Do you need help?"

I snapped my head up at the voice. "Never make me sound helpless again." Anger flared. How could I be so stupid! She irritated me. Nothing more thn a replica. There was no way she could still be alive. I watched her body slow, watched it stop. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I sat there crying as I watched her eyes fade to a black void. I told myself trying to erase the possibility. I couldn't think. Sorrow and pity were on everyone's face, even Casey's. Too much.

I did the only thing I knew I could do. I ran. I barreled through everyone and headed straight for the woods. My sanctuary. A couple of the people, who were now wolves, caught up. They tried to corner me and stop my progression. Though I easily avoided them and continued trecking my way along the dirt road that weaved in and out of trees. I knew they were following me, but they kept their distance. That eased my swirling thoughts, but I never stopped. Some would run to my side at a distance and when I caught wind, I bounded off to another direction. At first, I thought they were trying to get me to stop and I was not going to be ordered. Then after a couple of times, I figured out that it was strategized. They organized it when they had me changing directions.

I allowed them to lead me to their destination from a distance while the others stayed behind us. Hours passed and I finally felt at ease. One of them felt that and tried to come to me, but I stayed on edge. I need you Kerala. Please come back. I had been running on two feet for hours and my legs bustled beneath me. They were weak and throbbing. Yet, I was too stubborn to seek help or comfort. My labored breathing was heavy and my throat dry from the panting as I overdid my body. Every inhale and exhale was felt.

Feeling the events of the day catch up, I leaned against a trunk and hissed. My back still has not healed.

Kerala. Where are you?

I looked up to the sky and admired its beauty. The sun was setting and it graced the sky with a dancing fire. The wispy clouds swirled and tangled. There were reds merged with orange. Along the horizon, there was even a trace of purple. As time progressed and the sun sank lower, I watched the colors change and blend.

I need you here. Why would you leave me now.

All around there were people around watching and caring, but I had never felt so alone. My mind was empty. I was empty. My body was growing numb from the excess usage of my muscles; however, the pain still remained. As I laid against the trunk, I could feel the bark as it dug into the meat. I could feel the warmth of the blood that trickled free.

Why am I not healing?

I could feel the drowsiness set in, but I refused to give in.

You told me not to trust anyone. You told me that everyone leaves and here you are doing exactly what you said. Fine, you want to ignore me, then you leave me no choice.

I pulled myself to my feet and just stood. I watched as the sky continued to darken. The wind coming to a halt and the only light provided was that of the fire that the men built. I heard laughing and conversations. Walking through the limbs that hung lower than usual, I clung to some for support. My body kept growing weaker, but I refused to acknowledge its needs. I searched for one person and she was the only one I wanted to talk to. As I walked among the others, I felt their eyes as they watched my every movement.


The girl who I had been confined with turned and gave me a smile. She looked so happy, but she never said anything. There was this bond between us that we acquired. "Come on, let's get you cleaned and some new clothes."

Casey grabbed my hand and tugged me gently. We went left and right and between tents until we came upon one that had a lamp on the inside setting off a light golden glow. Her hand had provided warmth to mine, but when she released it, I felt the cold swallow my hand once again. With ease, she snipped the shirt I was wearing and proceeded to pull the piece of material that stuck to the open flesh. I felt the sting as it was ripping from the parts that had attempted to heal.

"Silver." She must have seen my confusion because she continued. "Silver is toxic to wolves. He seemed to have added Crale." I hissed as I felt a liquid trail and fizz across my back. "Crale is a deathly poison to us. If you were completely wolf, you would cease to exist. That is probably why you cannot get in touch with Kerala."

There was silence as I felt her continue to dab at the wound until she gently pressed gauze along the whole of my back. I relaxed a little when she wrapped two ace bandages around my core. "This should help."

"Will she come back?"

There was a sad look on her face. "No one can give you that answer. It depends on how strong she was and time." I sighed at her answer.


Sorry I have not updated in a while. This past week has been difficult. Thank you for being patient with me.


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